
Sites add new sidebar's tab for easy access to remote and local files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sites add new sidebard tab for easy access to remote and local files.

Sites is based on code of JSTreeDrive originally developed by Joker. Sites is only renamed (to avoid confusion with the original project) original project and include some bug fixes for work with new versions of Komodo.

Sites add new tab in left pane. This extension enables:

  • view, delete, rename all local or remote files
  • create files, folders
  • view image inside Komodo
  • quick access to favorites directory

JSTreeDrive is a great extension and as long as I can, I'll try to keep it working even more versions of Komodo. Sites goal is not to add new features, but only to ensure compatibility with new versions of Komodo. Thanks for you work Joker.

Link to original project: http://community.activestate.com/xpi/jstreedrive