

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Remember Me App

In this exercise we're going to build a simple NodeJS / Express app that uses cookies to remember the name of visitors to our app.

  1. Create an empty directory & repository
  2. Run npm init -y
  3. Run npm install --save express cookie-parser
  4. Run npm install --save-dev nodemon
  5. Put your express app in app.js
  6. Start your app with nodemon app.js
  7. Open another terminal window
  8. On the homepage, render a form that asks for Name with a single text input
  9. When you submit that form it should POST to /set-name
  10. Within the POST /set-name route, take the posted name and save it to a cookie named username

I had to use body-parser in order to eaisly get the username value from the form data, but with that I just the middlewears interface, res.cookie('cookieName': value) followed by .send(). Easy peasy.

Oh and the form needed to be embeded thusly:

<form method="post" action="/set-name">