
The Next.js Discord server indexed in the web

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Next.js Discord Forum

The Next.js Discord server indexed in the web

Getting Started

This repo contains the code for both the Discord bot that index the posts and the front-end app

Installing the dependencies

yarn install

Configuring the env vars

If you are developing locally, you need to create .env files in both the apps/web and app/bot folder. Refer to the table below for all the env vars in the project

Project: apps/web

Name Description Required?
DATABASE_URL The read-only connection string to connect to the DB, used to query the posts and messages ✔️
REVALIDATE_SECRET The secret that allows remote revalidations to the app cache. This var should also be set in the bot app ✔️
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL The URL where the app is hosted

Project: apps/bot

Name Description Required?
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN The token for the bot. If you don't have a bot yet, go to the bot project section for more details on how to create one ✔️
DISCORD_CLIENT_ID Client ID of the bot app ✔️
DEV_GUILD_ID The ID of the Discord server to register dev commands with yarn dev:register-commands
PUBLIC_PROFILE_ROLE_ID The ID of the role to make Discord profiles public in the database
INDEXABLE_CHANNEL_IDS Comman-separated list of forum channels to index ✔️
DATABASE_URL The connection string to connect to the DB ✔️
REVALIDATE_SECRET The same secret from the web project ✔️
WEB_URL The address of the web service, used to make the call to revalidate the cache ✔️

Project: packages/db (only necessary if you plan to run migrations)

Name Description Required?
DATABASE_URL The admin connection string to connect to the DB, used to modify the schema ✔️

Running the development projects

To run both the web and bot projects at the same time, use the following command:

yarn dev

Note: You don't need to run both projects always at the same time, they can work separately

Creating your own bot instance

You will need your own bot to run the project locally, it is also recommended to create a new Discord server as a testing playground.

  1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on New Application
  2. In the General Information page, copy the APPLICATION ID, this is the value of the DISCORD_CLIENT_ID env var
  3. Go to the Bot page, click on Reset Token. Copy the new token and store it in the DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN env var. DO NOT share this token anywhere
  4. In the "Privileged Gateway Intents" section, enable SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT

To invite the bot to your own server, go to the OAuth2 > URL Generator page, select the bot scope and add the following permissions:

  • Send Messages
  • Send Messages in Threads
  • Manage Message
  • Manage Threads
  • Embed Links
  • Read Message History
  • Add Reactions
  • Use Slash Commands

Copy the Generated URL and open it in your browser

Registering Discord commands

To use the context and slash commands you first need to register them in Discord. The easiest way to do that is by running this command:

yarn dev:register-commands

Notice the dev: prefix in the command. Discord limits how many times you can register commands with their API, but by registering the command in a specific server you can do this as many times as you want. You need the DEV_GUILD_ID env var set to use this command

Creating the database

This project uses PlanetScale as the DB provider, you can create a free account at https://planetscale.com. To create the database, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new database in your dashboard
  2. Click on the "Get connection strings" button
  3. Add a name to this password and set the Role to Read/write
  4. Click on Create Password, the next screen should give you the DATABASE_URL env var to be copied to the .env file of both web and bot projects

Running migrations

To run migrations you need a password with the Admin role, follow the previous steps to create one. Add the generated database URL to the packages/db/.env file and run this command:

yarn migrate