ModernCV: TeX to HTML

Convert a ModernCV file written with LaTeX to a HTML file.


python3 moderncv.tex > moderncv.html

To put your CV on your website, you need the moderncv directory (the fonts directory and the classic-xxx.min.css file).

Known issues

Information missing

Information containing a brand icon (Github, LinkedIn, Twitter, ...) can be masked be Adblock. To display this information, disable the Fanboy's Social Blocking List option in Adblock preferences.

Environment and arguments parsing

Currently, marcro arguments and environments are not parsing yet.



The CSS can be improve (for example the picture is not at the good position).
The file moderncv.json can be opened at IcoMoon.
You can compress the CSS files using the script:

python3 moderncv/classic-blue.css


It is a first draft :).

The class ModernCV is divide in 3 parts:

  • style (ModernCVStyle): the html header
  • head (ModernCVHead): the CV information (name, phone, ...)
  • content (ModernCVContent): document content

Each part contains its macro definitions. The ModernCV uses a TeXFactory to register macros (TeXMacro) and environments (in the future ;)).