
Reference Card / Cheatsheet of Ada Attributes, Aspects, Pragmas and Standard Library

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Ada Reference Card

PDF generation workflow

Reference Card for the programming language Ada. It contains lists of Attributes, Aspects, Pragmas and also a list of packages in the Ada Standard Library.

It contains the changes from newer versions of Ada up to and including Ada 2022.



The information is mainly taken from the Ada Reference Manual (Ada 2022):

Each attribute name, aspect name, pragma name and package name in the Ada Reference Card PDF is linked to the relevant page in the Ada Reference Manual (Ada 2022).


The reference card is available in LaTeX and PDF format:

The PDF version is available in a range of paper sizes:

  • ISO A4 landscape.
  • ISO A4 portrait.
  • US Legal landscape.
  • US legal portrait.
  • ISO A2 landscape.
  • ISO A2 portrait.
  • ISO B2 landscape (poster size).

You likely want either the ISO A4 landscape version or the US legal landscape version.


This is the first version and it is likely neither entirely correct nor complete. I would therefore invite everybody to submit pull requests with changes/improvements.

In particular:

  • Adding missing items.
  • Improving wrong/incomplete descriptions.
  • Fixing spelling mistakes.
  • Improvements to the LaTeX code.
  • Translations.
  • Improving the projects GitHub setup.
  • Improving this readme.

Requirements for building PDF

  • pdflatex

Building a PDF

The following will use pdflatex to build a PDF with papersize A4 landscape. It will use the Tex file ada_reference_card_2022_en.tex as a source.

pdflatex -jobname=ada_reference_card_2022_en_a4_landscape "\documentclass[5pt]{article}\newcommand\columnnr{3}\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0.25cm,landscape]{geometry}\input{ada_reference_card_2022_en}"