
RasPi2 webhook component (Honolulu AT&T Hackathon 2017)

Primary LanguagePython

The RPi2 was not in the original scope, but needed to send a POST request and couldn't find support for HTTPS on Arduino Uno WiFi. I had wanted to have it all on the Arduino Uno WiFi, but it being a Developer Edition meant it had a lot of new changes in the firmware and did not support existing community code. The pre-installed Ciao library took up too much space, and I couldn't figure out another way to get it to work in time.

Previously, we had also tried using an Arduino Yún and an RPi3, but the Yún required sautering edits to the PN532 chip amongst other changes, and the RPi3 needed a bunch of extra config that didn't quite work the first few tries, and possibly some UART weirdness.

This is where I also came up with the idea of linking it to TheBusHEA API and having it use actual data, and then sending it to a Slack webhook for output. There was also an early analytics dashboard concept planned and mocked (to replace the Slack webhook), but didn't make it to the integration stage by presentation time. N.B. Although the data is real, it is chosen at random and arbitarily.


  1. Adafruit Guide for RFID/NFC PN532 chip
    • Free UART on RPi2
    • Download, config, and build libnfc on the RPi2
    • Make sure the right device is set up, likely dev/ttyACM0
    • If device num keeps changing, may have to mess with /etc/udev rules, but should not be necessary. Use dmesg and lsusb to debug.
    • Test connectivity with the freshly-installed nfc-list and nfc-poll to activate. If needed, set log_level=3 (debug) in /etc/nfc/devices.d/pn532_on_uart_rpi.conf file.
  2. Double-check that the RPi2 and the Arduino are both listening/receiving on the same port (likely dev/ttyACM0) and baudrate (115200 is good)
  3. There are two env variables used in the Python script:
    • BUSHEA refers to TheBus API key
    • ENDPOINT refers to the Slack webhook URL
  4. Scan things for the lulz

See the sibling repo: https://github.com/bradbaris/ATT_HACK_HI_2017


[1] https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/51498/sending-data-to-a-raspberry-pi-over-serial-connection?rq=1
[2] http://hea.thebus.org/api/documentation/Web%20Services%20API.pdf