
CMDBuild 3.2 with READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 in Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile

CMDBuild 3.3 with READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 in Docker

CMDBuild is a web environment in which you can configure custom solutions for IT Governance, or more generally for asset management.

READY2USE pre-configured CMDBuild READY TO BE USED within the production environment

openMaint open source solution for the Property & Facility Management; an application for the management of buildings, installations, movable assets and related maintenance activities

Latest news

29/12/2020 Add openMAINT 2.1 on CMDBuild 3.3b @afcarvalho1991 contribution
12/10/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.3, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2.1 @afcarvalho1991 contribution
11/06/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.2.1, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2.1
19/02/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.2, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2
27/10/2019 Add CMDBuild 3.1.1, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.1.1
04/08/2019 Add READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0
12/07/2019 Add CMDBuild 3.1 with old version READY2USE (but we still waiting 2.0)

This is the unofficial repository with all the versions of cmdbuild.
I will update the repository every time there is a new version of cmdbuild available

Sometimes container cmdbuild_app after first run may be stopped, because it need more memory for this. Please, restart it

Please open issues on github

Deploy by docker run

CMDbuild with demo database

docker run --name cmdbuild_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name cmdbuild_app --restart unless-stopped --link cmdbuild_db  -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:app-3.3

Build images (locally)

sh docker-build.sh # or select the specific version needed and the DB image

CMDbuild READY2USE 2.0

docker run --name cmdbuild_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name cmdbuild_app --restart unless-stopped -e CMDBUILD_DUMP="demo.dump.xz" --link cmdbuild_db  -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:r2u-2.0-3.3

CMDbuild openMAINT 2.0

docker run --name openmaint_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name openmaint_app --restart unless-stopped -e CMDBUILD_DUMP="demo.dump.xz" --link openmaint_db  -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:om-2.0-3.3

Deploy by docker-compose

CMDbuild with demo database

git clone https://github.com/itmicus/cmdbuild_docker

cd to folder version 3.2 or ready2use 2.0 or openmaint 2.0 and run

docker-compose up -d

CMDbuild Ready2use

git clone https://github.com/itmicus/cmdbuild_docker

Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file

docker-compose up -d

CMDbuild openMAINT 2.0

git clone https://github.com/itmicus/cmdbuild_docker

Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file

docker-compose up -d

CMDbuild openMAINT 2.1-3.3b

git clone https://github.com/itmicus/cmdbuild_docker

Build local openMAINT 2.1-3.3b docker image:

docker build -t itmicus/cmdbuild:om-2.1-3.3-b openmaint-2.1-3.3-b/. --label "version=1.0" --label "maintaner=Andre Carvalho <afccarvalho.1991@gmail.com>"

Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file

docker-compose -f openmaint-2.1-3.3-b/docker-compose.yml up

Connect to CMDBuild

Waiting while all container starting and initilize database (about few minutes) and open your browser
Login: admin
Password: admin

How it works


Login: admin
Password: password

The default cmdbuild_app environment in the image is

POSTGRES_HOST: cmdbuild_db
POSTGRES_DB: cmdbuild_db3

CMDBUILD_DUMP values for Ready2use and openMAINT

  • demo.dump.xz
  • empty.dump.xz


  • admin/admin - full admin
  • demouser/demouser - multi-groups
  • guest/guest - readonly

How drop cmdbuild database

If you want to change type DB you must drop old database

docker-compose exec cmdbuild_app /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cmdbuild/cmdbuild.sh dbconfig drop -configfile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/cmdbuild/database.conf

and after run container with new value of CMDBUILD_DUMP