
Tic Tac Toe Game

Primary LanguageJava

Tic Tac Toe

A terminal based game for Tic Tac Toe using Model-View-Controller design pattern.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the game up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Java Development Kit (JDK)


To install JDK follow this link here: Installing JDK. This guide is really great and easy to follow with pictures as well.

And for Eclipse, go to Eclipse Packages and heres a table comparing the packages. If you are just running Java, just download this. You can always install more software to fit your needs later.

Running the app

git clone https://github.com/bradburzon/TicTacToe.git

After this you need to go into the source directory and copy the javac to compile all necessary files. Lastly, run the java code to play the game.

cd TicTacToe/src
javac com/bradburzon/model/Letter.java com/bradburzon/model/Player.java com/bradburzon/model/GameModel.java com/bradburzon/view/GameView.java  com/bradburzon/controller/GameController.java com/bradburzon/mainapp/MainApp.java

java com.bradburzon.mainapp.MainApp


Running the tests

Using Model-View-Controller design pattern, most of my logic are in Controller so run GameControllerTest.java in tst/com/bradburzon/controller.

Built With

  • Eclipse - The Integrated Development Envirent(IDE) used
  • git - committing



  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc



  • As a player, I should be able to keep my character.
  • As a player, I should be able to keep track of my move.
  • As a player, I should be able to keep my number of moves.


  • As the game, I should be able to keep scores.
  • As the game, I should be able to keep track of the players.
  • As the game, I should be able to keep track of the board.
  • As the game, I should be able to know the rules and help.


  • As the game, I should be able to print the board.
  • As the game, I should be able to show the score.
  • As the game, I should be able to re-render the board.
  • As the game, I should be able to print help.


  • As the game, I should be able to check the status of the board.
  • As the game, I should be able to reset the game.
  • As the game, I should be able to make a move.
  • As the game, I can choose switch players.


  • As the application, I should be able to play.
  • As the application, I should be able to ask user for inputs.
  • As the application, I should be able to quit.