
Packer files for my own use, like most open source, initially pilfer from elsewhere and modified :)

Primary LanguageShell


my stash of Packer files for my own and works use, built from multiple sources including veewee scripts. Thanks veewee for all the hard work packer users benefit from ;)

Packer can be called directory from the head directory. eg. packer build freebsd-10.0-amd64/freebsd-10.0-amd64.json

Or use the included python script which allows controlled parallel builds

usage: repopulate_vagrant.py [-h] [-t TYPE] [-p PARALLEL] [-s] [-l]

'-t', '--type', help='virtualbox, vmware, all', default='virtualbox'

'-p', '--parallel', help='1 .. n'

'-P', '--path', help='Directory to append to path', default=''

'-s', '--silent', help='1 .. n'

'-l', '--logtofile', help='will create machine.log'

'-m', '--matching', help='build machines matching' , default='*'

Caveats A failed packer build leaves temporary files and packer won't run again until they're cleaned. I'm not keen on deleting them for you.

Currently imports all machines in output directory after a build, need to update to catch return codes from threads.