OCF Coding Challenge - August 2022
Working from a standard Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Getting Started
☁️ Deployment
Deployed to Vercel, mainly because it's so easy with Next.js, but could just as easily have been Netlify, Render, etc.
💻 Local
To start locally:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
National Daily Forecast
- Can select date in datepicker to see forecast different dates
Regional Forecast
- Can select date in datepicker to see forecast for that date for selected regions
- Can select two regional forecasts to compare in the stacked graphs
- Lots of frontend filtering/data manipulation is done in the browser here, obviously not ideal for production but fine under the context and time constraints, and the load times/changing date etc. seem to be okay on my end.
- Also not my prettiest UI (or code, probably) but hopefully it works and is easy enough to understand 😅