Bergamot is a small Go library for caching. It has a few backings with different eviction policies
that can be used on their own or paired with the Cache
type to coordinate populates on cache
It uses Go generics, and so requires Go 1.18 to build.
Here's a straightforward usage:
c := bergamot.NewCache[uint64, User](
// fetch: used to populate the cache on a miss
func(ctx context.Context, userID uint64) (User, error) {
return callSomeExpensiveRPC(ctx, userID)
8, // how many fetches can be active at once
// use CAR (Clock with Adaptive Replacement) as the eviction policy
10000, // the cache capacity, in number of items
// ...
u, err := c.Get(ctx, 12345)
See the docs for more.