

###Create Automata


import edu.uab.cis.State
import edu.uab.cis.regular.Automaton

//Create states
val start: State = new State()
val end: State = new State()

//Create Transitions
//Transitions are tuples: (StartState, Character, EndState)
//Epsilon transitions are created by transitioning on '\0'
//ex: (start, '\0', end)
val transition: (State, Char, State) = (start, 'a', end)
//Create Automaton
//This Automaton will accept only the character a
val automaton: Automaton = new Automaton(start, Set(end), Set(transition))

####Regex String

import edu.uab.cis.regular.Automaton

//Create Automaton
//This automaton accepts one or more a's followed by a b
val automaton: Automaton = "(a+)b"

####Regex Functions

import edu.uab.cis.regular.Automaton
import edu.uab.cis.regular.Regex._
//Create Automaton
//This automaton is equal to the previous one
val automaton: Automaton = (a+)+b

###Run Automata

//Using the automaton in the previous example:
automaton.accepts("ab")                //true
automaton.accepts("aaaaaaab")          //true
automaton.accepts("aaaa")              //false

Automata Closure Operations

automaton1 + automaton2 //or
automaton1 concatenate automaton2 //or
automaton1 concatenate List(automaton2, automaton3, automaton4) //or
automaton1 ++ List(automaton2, automaton3, automaton4)

automaton1 | automaton2  //or
automaton1 union automaton2 //or
automaton1 union List(automaton2, automaton3, automaton4)

!automaton  //or
automaton1.relativeComplement(automaton2)       //complement relative to another automaton
automaton1.relativeComplement(Set('a','b','c')) //complement relative to an alphabet
automaton1 & automaton2  //or
automaton1 intersect automaton2
automaton1 minus automaton2  //or
automaton1 - automaton2

automaton*               //or
automaton.repeat         //0 or more times
automaton+               //1 or more times
automaton.optional       //or
automaton?               //0 or 1 times
automaton.repeat(x)      //x or more times
automaton.repeat(x,y)    //x to y times