
Description and specification for the tincan chat server

MIT LicenseMIT

TinCan Chat Server

Functional Requirements

Scope Action Description
Auth Login Users can login and receive a token used for authentication/authorization
Logout Users can logout, effectively closing their connection and revoking their token
Register Users can register for an account with the chat server
Groups Create Users can create groups of other users where they can host their conversations
Edit Users can edit information about a group they own, such as the name, visibility, and members
List Users can view a list of available groups to join
Join Users can join/request to join a group to participate in conversations with other group members
Leave Users can leave a group they had joined previously
Remove Users can remove a group that they own
Conversations Create Users can create a conversation within a group
Edit Users can edit information about a conversation they own, such as name, participants, etc.
List Users can view the available conversation within a group they are a member of
Remove Users can remove a conversation they own within a group
Typing The system can detect when a client is starting/stopping typing
Messages Create Users can create new messages to add to a conversation
Edit Users can edit a message they've posted in the past
Remove Users can remove a message they've posted in the past



Client Messages

Message Description
auth/logout Request from the client to terminate their connection and log out
group/create Create group request from the client
group/edit Edit group request from the client
group/list Request from the client to view available groups
group/view Request from the client to view public details about a single group
group/join Request from the client to join a group
group/leave Request from the client to leave a group
group/remove Request from the client to remove a group
conversation/create Create conversation request from the client
conversation/edit Edit conversation information request from the client
conversation/list Request from the client to list available conversations within a group
conversation/remove Request from the client to remove a conversation
conversation/type-start Notification that the client has detected typing
conversation/type-end Notification that the client has detected a stop to typing
message/create Create message request from the client (new message post)
message/edit Edit message request from the client
message/remove Remove message request from the client

Server Messages

Message Description
group/created Server notification that a group was successfully created
group/create-failed Server notification that a group was not created successfully
group/edited Server notification that a group's information was edited successfully
group/edit-failed Server notification that a group's information failed to be edited
group/list-response Server notification to a client's group/list request containing available groups
group/view-response Server notificatikon to a client's group/view request containing details about a group
group/joined Server notification that a client successfully joined a group
group/join-failed Server notification that a client request to join a group failed
group/left Server notification that a client request to leave a group succeeded
group/leave-failed Server notification that a client request to leave a group failed
group/removed Server notification that a client request to remove a group succeeded
group/remove-failed Server notification that a client request to remove a group failed
conversation/created Server notificatikon to a conversation was created successfully
conversation/create-failed Server notification that a conversation failed to be created
conversation/edited Server notification that a conversation edit suceeded
conversation/edit-failed Server notiication that a conversation edit failed
conversation/list-response Server notification for a conversation/list request
conversation/removed Server notiication that a conversation was removed successfully
conversation/remove-failed Server notification that a conversation failed to be removed
conversation/type-start Server notification that another user in the conversation is typing on that conversation
conversation/type-end Server notification that another user has stopped typing in a conversation
message/created Server notification that a message was created successfully
message/create-failed Server notification that a message failed to be created
message/edited Server notification that a message was edited successfully
message/edit-failed Server notification that a message failed to be edited
message/removed Server notiication that a message was removed successfully
message/remove-failed Server notification that a message failed to be removed