
A minimalistic implementation of brunch with sass that includes a few extras: coffeescript, bootstrap3, underscore, bourbon, font-awesome and jquery.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Sassy brunch minimal is a quick minimal skeleton for any webapp.

A minimalistic implementation of brunch with sass that includes a few extras: coffeescript, bootstrap3, underscore, bourbon, font-awesome and jquery.


Clone this repo manually with Git or use brunch new http://github.com/bradens/sassy-brunch-minimal.

Getting started

  • Install Brunch: npm install -g brunch.
  • Install Brunch plugins and Bower components: npm install & bower install.
  • Watch the project with continuous rebuild by brunch watch --server. This will also launch HTTP server.
  • public/ dir is fully auto-generated and served by HTTP server.
  • Write your code in client, or test dirs.
  • For production, build minified project with brunch build --optimize