
PHP client for Desk.com API, based on Guzzle

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PHP client for Desk.com API, based on Guzzle

Getting Started

Here's how to run the tests:

git clone https://github.com/bradfeehan/php-desk.git
cd php-desk
composer install --dev

You can also run "network" tests (which actually access the real Desk.com API) by making a few more changes:

  1. Copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml
  2. Edit phpunit.xml and uncomment the <server name="DESK_TEST_CONFIG" value="tests/service/test.json" /> line
  3. Create tests/service/test.json and add some more detailed service builder configuration in here. The file can be JSON or PHP (depending on its extension) as described in the Guzzle docs. For example:
	"includes": ["mock.json"],
	"services": {
		"test": {
			"params": {
				"subdomain": "my_desk_subdomain",
				"consumer_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
				"consumer_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
				"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
				"token_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
		"test.account": {
			"class": "Desk\\Account\\AccountClient",
			"extends": "test"
	// ...

Now, you can run the network test group:

vendor/bin/phpunit --group network

This will use services starting with test., in the form test.account instead of mock.account.