
Tool for diffing a large number of configuration files. Currently supports .yaml, .conf, and .properties files shipped with DSE / Cassandra.

Primary LanguageRuby

Diff Config

Tool for diffing a large number of configuration files. Currently supports .yaml, .conf, and .properties files shipped with DSE.

Sample Disk layout

The following is the disk layout I use. It is possible to use many other layouts since the logic simply globs through the target directory.

+ configs                   # Home to configurations which are considered accurate.
| + DEV                     # Environment identifier
| | + cassandra.yaml        # Sample configuration file
| | + spark-defaults.conf
| + default                 # Default configuration files for comparing with. This may be omitted.
+ test_configs              # Directory of configurations to test
  + DEV                     # Environment identifier, this directory may be omitted
  | + HOSTNAME              # Hostname identifier, this directory may be omitted.
  | | + cassandra.yaml      # Sample configuration file
  | | + spark-defaults.conf
  | | + ...
  |   + ...
  + SIT
    + ...


➜  diff_config -h
Usage: diff_config [options]
    -s, --source SOURCE
    -t, --targets TARGETS
    -w, --whitelist KEYS
  • source: Source configuration file to compare against
  • targets: Target configuration files to test. This is used as a glob. Feel free to use ** in a path to test many directories.
  • whitelist: Comma-separated set of keys to whitelist. These keys will NEVER appear in the diff output.

Sample Commands

Compare a directory full of configs from many servers

diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/cassandra.yaml' -t 'test_configs/DEV/**/cassandra.yaml' -w rpc_address,listen_address
diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/cassandra-rackdc.properties' -t 'test_configs/DEV/**/cassandra-rackdc.properties'
diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/spark-defaults.conf' -t 'test_configs/DEV/**/spark-defaults.conf'

Compare a single pair of configs

diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/cassandra.yaml' -t 'test_configs/DEV/foo/cassandra.yaml' -w rpc_address,listen_address
diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/cassandra-rackdc.properties' -t 'test_configs/DEV/foo/cassandra-rackdc.properties'
diff_config -s 'configs/DEV/spark-defaults.conf' -t 'test_configs/DEV/foo/spark-defaults.conf'

Other approaches

Some files may not be loaded and compared in the manner we use for diff_config. It may also be faster to simply see if the files match (eg cassandra-env.sh). In this case we use the md5 (md5sum in some distributions) to generate a hash of the file. If the hash of two files match then the two files are extremely likely to be the same. Look for files with different hashes to investigate further.

md5 configs/DEV/cassandra-env.sh
md5 test_configs/DEV/**/cassandra-env.sh

md5 configs/DEV/spark-env.sh
md5 test_configs/DEV/**/spark-env.sh