
A test project to evaluate issues using a `UIStackView` in a custom `UITableViewCell` to layout multiple views.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This project is designed to illustrate issues I'm having utilitizing a UIStackView in a custom UITableViewCell when the UIUserInterfaceSizeClass changes.

The layout issues arise when transitioning between a horizontally compact and regular environment, best illustrated by rotating from portrait to landscape and back again while running split screen on an iPad Air 2 / iPad Pro.

The table is populated with a set of RowObjects acting as the data, where each object specifies certain boolean values indicating whether or not certain subviews in the cell should show or hide.

The TableViewCell utilizes a horizontal UIStackView, and uses the RowObject to configure itself. Certain arrangedSubviews of the UIStackView are set hidden or shown based on the configuration.

Ideally, the UIStackView should handle the appropriate layout of hiding/showing views and resizing the arrangedSubviews, but when rotating back and forth, toggling the horizontalSizeClass, issues arise.


  • Sometimes, the appropriate subviews do not appear.
    • To illustrate which subviews should appear, each cell has a label indicating which of the optional subviews should be shown.
  • Sometimes, the subviews are laid out in the wrong position
    • To illustrate, a red background view exists behind the stack view. If any red shows through, the UIStackView is failing to layout the subviews appropriately.

Attempts to fix

I've tried a number of methods to resolve the issues, with no avail:

  • Overriding viewWillTransitionToSize:transitionCoordinator to force layout and/or reload the table view
  • Overriding willTransitionToTraitCollection:withTransitionCoordinator to force layout and/or reload the table view
  • Overriding layoutSubviews to reset the hidden/shown arrangedSubviews
  • Forcing layout in many places
  • Changing subview layout constraint priorities to 999
  • Limiting UILabels to 1 line, and setting a preferredMaxLayoutWidth
  • Adjusting the contentCompressionResistance and contentHuggingPriority of subviews
  • Using a static value for rowHeight instead of UITableViewAutomaticDimension
  • Etc.

Issues on cells are not even always resolved after the cell has been scrolled off screen and configured again, and sometimes this introduces new issues on different cells.

At this point, I'm unsure if UIStackView is buggy or if I'm misusing it. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


The initial setup, no issues ![initial setup](/Screenshots/1 Intial setup - no issues.png?raw=true "The initial layout, all is fine")

After first rotation, cells with invalid layout marked with red "X" ![first rotation](/Screenshots/2 First rotation.png?raw=true "First rotation")

After second rotation ![second rotation](/Screenshots/3 Second rotation.png?raw=true "Second rotation")

After scrolling - cells are prepared for reuse and re-configured, fixing some issues, introducting others ![scrolling](/Screenshots/4 Second rotation - after scrolling.png?raw=true "Scrolling")

After third rotation ![third rotation](/Screenshots/5 Third rotation.png?raw=true "Third rotation")