
The following repository contains pre-alpha builds of the Ultima 5 Redux project.



  1. You must first have a copy of the original Ultima 5 game data and an existing save game

  2. Copy the ultima5 directory to
    Windows -> C:\games\Ultima_5\
    MacOS -> /tmp/u5 or /games/u5
    You are able to put may Ultima 5 directories in these directory - you will be permitted to choose when launching the game For example my personal directory looks like
    -> C:\games\Ultima_5\gold\*
    -> C:\games\Ultima_5\britain\*
    -> C:\games\Ultima_5\im_scared\*
    I know this is kind of silly, but I just haven't gotten around to adding the option to choose your own base directory.

  3. Download the package from here: https://github.com/bradhannah/Ultima5Redux-Demos/tree/master/Dec-19-2020 for your appropriate operating system

  4. Unzip the game into whatever directory you see fit

4.5 IF you are MacOS then will need to do the following: chmod +x Ultima5Redux-MacOSX-Feb-24-2020.app/Contents/MacOS/* - also you need to hold down CTRL and right click the app and click open since it is not a trusted app.

5a. Windows -> Run Ultima5Redux3D 5b. MacOSX -> Run Ultima5Redux-MacOSX-Feb-24-2020.app

  1. When the loading screen opens be sure to choose Select Save Game. You should see the Ultima 5 directories you have dropped onto the disk in step 2. Choose one and click Load

  2. Choose Journey Onward

  3. The "game" should start up from the save data provided.

  4. You will notice a few things

  • There is an annoying text box (debug console). Simply press C to toggle it
  • It may have crashes or not worked in some way or another. Curious - but not suprising, I haven't tested this on any other machines yet. Let me know if you had a problem - but I can't be certain I can help. But I'll try.
  1. Have fun and play around! There is a Debug menu you can use to teleport and monkey around. There is no save feature, so it's safe and won't harm your save file.

If you're keen to submit a feature request, bug, issue or whatever please use the Issue tracker found here: https://github.com/bradhannah/Ultima5Redux/issues

Good luck!