
Demonstration of How To Use PHPUnit


PHPUnit Demo

This is a demonstration of how to use PHPUnit.

This demo has PHPUnit installed using Composer. For a system-wide installation, you may choose to install PHPUnit using PEAR instead. Run the following command to install PHPUnit (and any other dependencies):

$ ./composer.phar install --dev

The demo unit tests can be found in the tests/FoundLineTest/PHPUnitDemo directory. The demo source code being tested can be found in the src/FoundLine/PHPUnitDemo directory. The subdirectory names within the tests and src directories follow the PSR-0 standard. For the unit tests, the vendor name FoundLineTest and the namespace PHPUnitDemo are used. For the source code being tested, the vendor name FoundLine and the namespace PHPUnitDemo are used. Following the PSR-0 standard allows for the autoloading of classes.

The following command will run all of the unit tests in this demo:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

The previous command should result in output similar to the following:

PHPUnit 3.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 4.75Mb

OK (5 tests, 5 assertions)

A useful option is to report test execution progress in TestDox format:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox tests

The previous command should result in output similar to the following:

PHPUnit 3.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann.

 [x] Convert number to string
 [x] Add two numbers
 [x] Substract two numbers
 [x] Multiply two numbers
 [x] Divide two numbers