Iris is a simple SMTP server based off gen_smtp
The goal was to make simple SMTP server that could handle incoming email messages and handle
it depending on your toplogy.
For example, you could build a Message Handler
module that saves email to disk or forwards it to another SMTP server.
Default port is 2525. See above link for more details. Adjust listener
config options to change these. For example, to accept SSL on port 1465
config :iris,
listener: [[{:protocol, :ssl}, {:port, 1465},{:sessionoptions, [{:callbackoptions, [{:relay, false},{:parse, true}]}]}]],
server: Iris.Server,
message_handler: Iris.MessageHandler
config :iris,
listener: [[{:sessionoptions, [{:callbackoptions, [{:relay, false},{:parse, true}]}]}]],
server: Iris.Server,
message_handler: MyApplicaiton.SpecialMessageHandler
- The default server is based off the example provided by
. Once again, switch the configuration to your wishes.
config :iris,
listener: [[{:sessionoptions, [{:callbackoptions, [{:relay, false},{:parse, true}]}]}]],
server: MyApplicaiton.SMTPServer,
message_handler: MyApplicaiton.SpecialMessageHandler
I use this to accept incoming email that is stored into a DB.
Still tons to do:
More tests
Refactor the default server
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding iris
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:iris, "~> 0.1.0"}
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