Generates a CSV showing number of days each release of Go is current for. A release can be beta, release candidate or general availability (1.x release).
Inspired by iOS version history:
Actual implementation may be poor and makes some assumptions, such as:
- Release candidate ends beta periods.
- General availability of a new minor ends the release candidate period.
- General availability of a new minor ends the previous GA (e.g. 1.6 ends the 1.5 branch, ignoring future 1.5.4 releases which are usually select security patches).
- All tags are tagged with the go as the prefix.
- Probably other assumptions which makes this go specific.
go install
cd /path/to/go/src
git tag --format '%(refname),%(authordate)' --sort=authordate | go-release-cycle -show-rc -show-beta | sort
git tag --format '%(refname),%(authordate)' --sort=authordate | go-release-cycle -show-ga | sort