Karma Mock for Unit Testing with Angular Google Maps Services
I created this mock based on frustration of not finding a more completely mocked google service out there. If you are getting the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined" or similar when running your Karma tests because you are utilizing angular google maps (https://github.com/angular-ui/angular-google-maps) to tap into Googles Map and Places Services, this should help.
(Credit: This is building upon the more simplified mock mentioned in this thread: angular-ui/angular-google-maps#270)
First, add the maps.googleapis.com-maps-api.js mock file into your test directory. Mine is located at {tests_folder}/mocks.
Then add the following dependencies in your karma config file within the "files" or "vendor" array:
files: [
'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false', //<--this one
'mocks/maps.googleapis.com-maps-api.js', //<--and this one, changing path as necessary for the mock file you just added
....{all of your other file dependencies}...
That's it! If you run into other errors where methods are undefined, add them as methods in the correct spot in the mock google object's tree.