Migration 11 Recovery


Install Docker

Copy LND data directory from Zap to ./data

On Mac, the default is

~/Library/Application\ Support/Zap/lnd/bitcoin/mainnet/<zap-wallet-name>/data/

Build and start the Docker container

docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d

docker-compose exec lnd_btc bash

Once inside the container, get all invoices that are in an ACCEPTED state.

lncli --tlscertpath=/shared/lnd-tls-btc.cert --macaroonpath=/shared/lnd-admin-btc.macaroon listinvoices --pending_only | grep -i 'state'

Copy the r_hash of the invoice

Convert the r_hash from base64 to hex (see main.js for example)


lncli --tlscertpath=/shared/lnd-tls-btc.cert --macaroonpath=/shared/lnd-admin-btc.macaroon cancelinvoice $r_hash

If the invoice was successfully cancelled, stdout will print {}

Stop the Docker container

docker-compose down

Backup channel.db in Zap directory (to channel.db.bak)

Copy channel.db from docker shared directory to Zap directory

Start Zap
