

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Simple swipeable layout, which allow you to drag it, detect swipe events, and perform swipe animations.

Developed with ❤️ by the team NativeBaguette 🥖


tns plugin add nativescript-swipe-layout


NativeScript with Angular

Here is an example of how you can use this plugin to build a tinder like stack of cards. Here, the plugin nativescript-cardview is used.



<ActionBar title="swipe-layout" icon="" class="action-bar">
<GridLayout rows="*, auto" columns="*" backgroundColor="#77849F">
    <SwipeLayout *ngFor="let card of cards" row="0" colSpan="3" col="0" (loaded)="swipeLayoutLoaded($event)" (swipeDown)="swipeDownCallback($event)" (swipeUp)="swipeUpCallback($event)" [animationState]="swipeLayoutAnimated" [gestureMode]="gestureMode">
        <CardView width="300" height="300" backgroundColor="white" margin="10" elevation="40" radius="5">
            <GridLayout rows="200, auto" columns="*">
                <image [src]="card.img" stretch="aspectFill" colSpan="3" row="0"></image>
                <label [text]="card.test" class="info" textWrap="true" row="1" colSpan="3" class="p-20"></label>
    <GridLayout row="1" rows="*" columns="auto, auto, auto">
        <Button (tap)="like()" row="0" col="0" class="p-20" class="btn btn-primary p-20" text="LIKE">
        <Button text="SUPER" (tap)="super()" row="0" col="1" class="btn p-20" backgroundColor="#5BD6BB" color="white"></Button>
        <Button text="DECLINE" (tap)="decline()" row="0" col="2" class="btn p-20" backgroundColor="#B33A3A" color="white"></Button>



import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
. // other imports
registerElement("CardView", () => CardView);
registerElement('SwipeLayout', () => SwipeLayout);

    selector: "ns-app",
    templateUrl: "app.component.html",

export class AppComponent {
    private _swipeLayouts: Array<SwipeLayout>;
    private currentSwipeLayout: SwipeLayout;
    public swipeLayoutAnimated: ANIMATION_STATE;
    public gestureMode: GESTURE_MODE;

    public cards: Array<any> = [{ // dumb cards
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"
    }, {
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"
    }, {
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"
    }, {
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"
    }, {
        img: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/GGhKPm18E48/mqdefault.jpg",
        test: "Batman is pretty cool right?"

    constructor(private fonticon: TNSFontIconService) {
        this._swipeLayouts = new Array();
        this.swipeLayoutAnimated = ANIMATION_STATE.ON_EVENTS; // Will animate only on swipe down and up events
        this.gestureMode = GESTURE_MODE.DRAG; // Cards will be draggable

    swipeLayoutLoaded(event) {
        this._swipeLayouts.push(<SwipeLayout>event.object); // Since it's an Array everytime a SwipeLayout load we add it

    ngAfterViewInit(): void {
        this.currentSwipeLayout = this._swipeLayouts[this._swipeLayouts.length - 1];

    private next() {
        this.currentSwipeLayout = this._swipeLayouts[this._swipeLayouts.length - 1];
    swipeLeftCallback(swipeLeftEvent: SwipeLeftEventData) { // never called (not binded to the XML)

    swipeRightCallback(swipeRightEvent: SwipeRightEventData) { // never called (not binded to the XML)
    swipeUpCallback(swipeUpEvent: SwipeUpEventData) { // called once the swipe up animation is done
    swipeDownCallback(swipeDownEvent: SwipeDownEventData) { // called once the swipe down animation is done

    decline() { // red button  on tap callback
        let that = this;
        this.currentSwipeLayout.animateSwipeRight().then(() => {
            console.log('swipeLeft done');

    like() { // blue button on tap callback
        let that = this;
        this.currentSwipeLayout.animateSwipeLeft().then(() => {
            console.log('swipeRight done');

    super() { // green button on tap callback
        let that = this;
        this.currentSwipeLayout.animateSwipeUp().then(() => {
            console.log("swipeUp done");


Further reading here.


Property Type Default Description
swipeRight function null Callback called when the layout is swiped to the right and the swipe animation is done.
swipeLeft function null Callback called when the layout is swiped to the left and the swipe animation is done.
swipeUp function null Callback called when the layout is swiped up and the swipe animation is done.
swipeDown function null Callback called when the layout is swiped down and the swipe animation is done.
animationState ANIMATION_STATE ANIMATION_STATE.ALWAYS Enable to perform animation when swipe events are fired, not at all or only on swipe events with a callback
gestureMode GESTURE_MODE GESTURE_MODE.SWIPE Allow to choose between the drag behavior or the swipe behavior


Method Return Parameters Description
animateSwipeRight Promise<void> None Method to manually start the swipe right animation.
animateSwipeLeft Promise<void> None Method to manually start the swipe left animation
animateSwipeUp Promise<void> None Method to manually start the swipe up animation
animateSwipeDown Promise<void> None Method to manually start the swipe down animation
swipe Promise<void> (swipeEvent: SwipeEventData) Method to manually start the swipe animation but has a parameter. From the direction given, will perform the right animation

All the method abose can be override, you can customise the animations as you want. If you wan't to override the animation which is performed on a swipe event you'll have to override the swipe method, since it's the one which is called when the event is fired 🔥

NativeBaguette 🥖

Rachid Al Kayat Jean-Baptiste Aniel triniwiz BradMartin JenLooper
rkhayyat rhanb triniwiz bradmartin jlooper