Using SQLite database for a persistant object cache. This packaged is designed to easily store large amounts of data directly into a SQLite3 database for retrival at a later date. It's not as fast as using memory based storage or file based storage.
npm install sqlcachedb --save
Current default cache lifetime is 6 hours, future versions will allow this to be modified.
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('url','', function(){
cache.getCache('url', function(err,data){
Store a value into cache based on a key
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('test', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test2', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test3', Math.random(), function(){});
Retrieve a value from cache based on a key
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('url','', function(){
cache.getCache('url', function(err,data){
Gets all the keys from cache
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('test', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test2', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test3', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.getKeys(function(err, keys){
Gets all the keys from cache updated within cache lifetime
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('test', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test2', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.setCache('test3', Math.random(), function(){});
cache.getActiveKeys(function(err, keys){
Remove data from cache based on key
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.setCache('test4', 'Houdini', function(){
cache.getCache('test4',function(err, data){
console.log('test4: '+data);
cache.purgeKey('test4', function(err){
cache.getCache('test4',function(err, data){
console.log('test4: '+data);
Remove all data from cache
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.getKeys(function(err, keys){
Remove all data from cache which has expired
var cache = require('sqlcachedb');
cache.getKeys(function(err, keys){
Note: This package is in Alpha stages, probably should not have been published to the repository in it's current state.
caveat emptor