
Perl - a simple web search built with CGI::Application and Swish-e

Primary LanguagePerl

    CGI::Application::Search - Base class for CGI::App Swish-e site engines

        package My::Search;
        use base 'CGI::Application::Search';

        sub cgiapp_init {
            my $self = shift;
                'SWISHE_INDEX' => 'my-swishe.index',
                'TEMPLATE'     => 'search_results.tmpl',

        sub cgiapp_prerun {
            my $self  = shift;
            my $query = $self->query;

            # let the user turn context highlighting off
            $self->param('HIGHLIGHT' => 0) if $query->param('highlight_off');

            # let the user change which property is used in the sort
            my $sort_by = $query->param('sort_by');
            $self->param('SORT_BY' => $sort_by) if $sort_by;


    A CGI::Application based control module that uses Swish-e API in perl
    (<http://swish-e.org>) to to perform searches on a swish-e index of

    * Sub-Classable. Unlike the Perl examples that come with swish-e, this
    is not a script, and can be customized without modifiying the original
    so that several sites may share the same underlying code.
    * Uses CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate to allow flexibility in
    template engine choice (HTML::Template, Template-Toolkit or Petal).
    * Built-in templates to use out of box or as examples for your own
    * HiLighted search results
    * HiLighted pages linked from search results
    * AJAX results sent to page without need of a page reload
    * AJAX powered 'auto-suggest' to give the user list of choices available
    for search

    If this is your first time using Swish-e (or you think you need a
    refresher) or if you want step-by-step instructions on how to use the
    AJAX capabilities of this module, then please see the "Tutorial".

    The start_mode is show_search.

    This method will load the template pointed to by the TEMPLATE param
    (falling back to a default internal template if none is specified) and
    display it to the user. It will 'associate' this template with $self so
    that any parameters in $self->param() are also accessible to the
    template. It will also use HTML::FillInForm to fill in the search form
    with the previously selected parameters (unless it's a
    'non-page-refresh' AJAX search).

    This is where the meat of the searching is performed. We create a
    SWISH::API object on the SWISHE_INDEX and create the query for the
    search based on the value of the *keywords* parameter in CGI and any
    other EXTRA_PARAMETERS. The search is executed and if HIGHLIGHT is true
    we will use Search::Tools::HiLiter to highlight it and then format the
    results, only showing PER_PAGE number of elements A paging list is also
    shown for navigating through the results. Then we will return to the
    show_search() method for displaying everything.

    This run mode will fetch a remote page (with either a relative, or
    absolute URL using the "url" Query param) and highlight the keywords
    used in the search on that page (the "keywords" Query param) using the
    mode is best used in the links of the search results listing.

        <a href="?rm=highlight_remote_page;url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fabout_us%2Findex.html;keywords=Us">about us</a>

    This run mode will fetch a local page (only allowing relative files
    based in the DOCUMENT_ROOT config var and the path using the "path"
    Query param) and highlight the keywords used in the search on that page
    (the "keywords" Query param) using the HIGHLIGHT_TAG, HIGHLIGHT_CLASS or
    HIGHLIGHT_COLORS options. This run mode is best used in the links of the
    search results listing.

        <a href="?rm=highlight_local_page;path=%2Fabout_us%2Findex.html;keywords=Us">about us</a>

    This run mode will return an AJAX listing of words that should be
    suggested to the user for the words that they have typed so far. It uses
    the "suggested_words()" method to actually choose which words to send

    Most of the time you will not need to call the methods that are
    implemented in this module. But in some cases customizing the templates
    is not enought. If so, it might be prudent to override or extend these
    methods in your derived class.

    We simply override and extend the CGI::Application new() to setup our

    Here's were we setup our run modes. If you override this method, make
    sure you also call it in your base class

        sub setup {
            my $self = shift;
            # do your thing

    This method is used to generate the query for swish-e from the $keywords
    (by default the 'keywords' CGI parameter), as well as any
    EXTRA_PROPERTIES that are present.

    If you wish to generate your own search query then you should override
    this method. This is common if you need to have access/authorization
    control that will need to be taken into account for your search. (eg,
    anything under /protected can't be seen by someone not logged in).

    Please see the swish-e documentation on the exact syntax for the query.

    This object method is used by the AUTO_SUGGEST flag to return the words
    that should be suggested to the user after they have typed a $word. It
    returns an array reference of those words.

    By default it will just look for words in the AUTO_SUGGEST_FILE that
    begin with $word. If you need more performance or flexibility (eg,
    storing your words in a database and querying for them) you are
    encouraged to override this method.

    There are several configuration parameters that you can set at any time
    (using "param()" in your cgiapp_init, or PARAMS hash in new()) before
    the run mode is called that will affect the search and display of the
    results. They are:

    This is the swishe index used for the searches. The default is
    'data/swish-e.index'. You will probably set this every time.

    This is a boolean indicating whether or not a non-page-refresh AJAX
    search will be permitted.

    Please see the "Tutorial" for more information on how to use the AJAX
    capabilities of this module.

    The name of the search interface template. Default templates are
    included with this distribution and will be used if you don't specify
    one. Which default template is used depends on which TEMPLATE_TYPE you
    are using (*HTMLTemplate* or *TemplateToolkit*) and whether or not the
    AJAX flag is true.

    These sample templates are installed with the module, or you can view
    them by looking under the templates/ directory of the source
    distribution (*.tar.gz*).

    Please see "TEMPLATE USAGE" for more information on which variables are
    passed into your template.

    This module uses CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate to allow
    flexibility in choosing which templating system to use for your search.
    This works especially well when you are trying to integrate the Search
    into an existing app with an existing templating structure.

    This value is passed to the "$self->template->config()" method as the
    "default_type". By default it is 'HTMLTemplate'. Please see
    CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate for more options.

    If you want more control of configuration for the template the it would
    probably best be done by subclassing CGI::Application::Search and
    passing your desired params to "$self->template->config".

    How many search result items to display per page. The default is 10.

    Boolean indicating whether or not we should highlight the description
    given to the templates. The default is true.

    The HTML tag used to surround the highlighted context. The default is

    The class attribute of the HIGHLIGHT_TAG HTML tag. This is useful when
    you want to dictacte the style through a CSS style sheet. If given, this
    value will override that of HIGHLIGHT_COLORS. It has no value by

    This is an array ref of acceptable HTML colors. If provided, it will
    highlight each matching word/phrase in an alternating style. For
    instance, if given 2 colors, every other highlighted phrase would be a
    different color. By default it is an empty array.

    This is an array ref of extra properties used in the search. By default,
    the module will only use the value of the 'keywords' parameter coming in
    the CGI query. If anything is provided as an extra property then it will
    be added to the query used in the search.

    An example: You have some of you pages designated into categories. You
    want the user to have the option of narrowing his results by category.
    You add the word 'category' to the 'EXTRA_PROPERTIES' list and then you
    add a 'category' form element that the user has the option of giving a
    value to your search form. If the user gives that element a value, then
    it will be seen and applied to the search. This will also only work if
    you have the 'category' element defined for your documents (see *SWISH-E
    Configuration* and 'MetaNames' in the swish-e.org SWISH-CONF

    By default, this list is empty.

    This is almost exactly like the "EXTRA_PROPERTIES" above except that
    instead of searching for the given properties as simple strings, we will
    use a range. Since ranges need to values, if you're searching for the
    "foo" property, then you need to have a "foo_start" and a "foo_end"
    value coming from the query. So if "foo" is in your
    "EXTRA_RANGE_PROPERTIES" and you have a CGI query string like this:


    Then we will a generate a Swish-E query that looks something like this:

      -L foo 123 234

    This is the maximum length for the context (in chars) that is displayed
    for each search result. The default is 250 characters.

    This is the number of words on either side of the searched for words and
    phrases (keywords) that will be displayed as part of the description. If
    this is 0, then the entire description will be displayed. The default is

    NOTE: This directive will cause Search to use Text::Context, which can
    be slow and CPU intensive at times. These computations may prove to be
    too much for some servers (eg, a shared hosting environment).

    If true, then this will allow the broswer to give suggestions to the
    user as they type. To use this, you must either use the
    AUTO_SUGGEST_FILE configuration option, or override the
    "suggested_words()" method.

    You template must also have the appropriate JavaScript code. Please see
    the "Tutorial" for more details.

    The name of the file where the suggested words are stored. These words
    should be in alphabetical order with one word per line.

    A boolean indicating whether or not the results of the AUTO_SUGGEST_FILE
    should be cached in memory or not. This will save repeated file accesses
    when used in a persistant environment.

    An integer count of the most suggestions to show the user at a time.
    This is useful when you don't want to overwhelm the end user and take
    over their screen with all of your helpful suggestions.

    This is the root directory to use when looking for files when using the
    "highlight_local_page" run mode.

    This is a string used by Swish-e to sort the results. The string is a
    space separated list of valid document properties. Each property may
    contain a qualifier (either "asc" or "desc") that sets the direction of
    the sort. Leave it alone and Swish-e will sort by "swishrank" in
    descending order. But say you wanted to reverse that for some reason.
    You could specify a "SORT_BY" of

        swishrank asc

    See =cut

    #-------------------------PRIVATE METHODS----------------------- sub
    _process_results { my ($self, $swish, $search, $results, $search_query)
    = @_;

        # now let's go through the results and build our loop
        my @result_loop = ();
        my $count       = 0;

        # while we still have more results
        while (my $current = $results->NextResult) {
            my %tmp = (
                reccount    => $current->Property('swishreccount'),
                rank        => $current->Property('swishrank'),
                title       => $current->Property('swishtitle'),
                path        => $current->Property('swishdocpath'),
                size        => format_bytes($current->Property('swishdocsize')),
                description => $current->Property('swishdescription') || '',
                last_modified =>
                  localtime($current->Property('swishlastmodified'))->strftime('%B %d, %Y'),

            # now add any EXTRA_PROPERTIES that we want to show
            if ($self->param('EXTRA_PROPERTIES')) {
                $tmp{$_} = eval { $current->Property($_) }
                  foreach (@{$self->param('EXTRA_PROPERTIES')});
            if ($self->param('EXTRA_RANGE_PROPERTIES')) {
                $tmp{$_} = eval { $current->Property($_) }
                  foreach (@{$self->param('EXTRA_RANGE_PROPERTIES')});

            my $description = $tmp{description};
            if ($description) {

                # if we want to zero in on the context
                if ($self->param('DESCRIPTION_CONTEXT')) {

                    # get the keywords from the swish search
                    my @keywords = ();
                    foreach my $kw ($results->ParsedWords($self->param('SWISHE_INDEX'))) {

                        # remove boolean operators 'and', 'or' and 'not'
                        my $lc_kw = lc($kw);
                        if ($lc_kw ne 'and' && $lc_kw ne 'or' && $lc_kw ne 'not') {
                            push(@keywords, $kw);

                    # now get the context
                    my $context = Text::Context->new($description, @keywords,);
                    $description = $context->as_text();

                # if we want to highlight the description
                if ($self->param('HIGHLIGHT') && $search_query && $search_query ne $BLANK_SEARCH) {
                    require Search::Tools::HiLiter;
                    my $hl = Search::Tools::HiLiter->new(
                        tag          => $self->param('HIGHLIGHT_TAG'),
                        class        => $self->param('HIGHLIGHT_CLASS'),
                        colors       => $self->param('HIGHLIGHT_COLORS'),
                        query        => $search_query,
                    $description = $hl->plain($description);

                # now make sure it's the appropriate length
                $tmp{description} = substr($description, 0, $self->param('DESCRIPTION_LENGTH'));
            push(@result_loop, \%tmp);

            # only go as far as the number per page
            last if ($count == $self->param('PER_PAGE'));
        return \@result_loop;

    sub _get_search_terms { my ($self, $swish, $search, $results, $keywords)
    = @_; my @phrases = (); my %terms = ();

        while ($keywords =~ /\G\s*"([^"]+)"/g) {
            push(@phrases, $1);

        $keywords =~ s/"[^"]+?"//g;

        # remove stop words from highlighting
        # for some reason swish-e doesn't remove boolean operators as stop words... which
        # is probably good so that they actually get used in the searches, but still...
        my %stop_words = ();
        foreach my $word ($results->RemovedStopwords($self->param('SWISHE_INDEX')), 'and', 'or', 'not')
            $stop_words{$word} = 1;
        $stop_words{$_} = 1 foreach qw(and or not);

        for my $word (split(/\s+/, $keywords)) {
            if ($word) {
                next if $stop_words{$word};
                $terms{$word} = 1;

        # now look at the stems of these words
        $terms{$swish->fuzzify($swish->index_names, $_)->WordList} = 1 foreach (keys %terms);
        return keys %terms, @phrases;

    # create a loop of pages with the first page, at most five pages before
    # the current page, the current page, at most five pages after the
    current page # and then the last page sub _get_paging_vars { my ($self,
    $results) = @_; my @pages = ();

        # create my pager from the 'page' parameter in CGI or just use the first page
        my $page_num = $self->query->param('page') || 1;
        my $pager = Data::Page->new($results->Hits, $self->param('PER_PAGE'), $page_num);

        # go to the result that we want to look at first
        $results->SeekResult($pager->first - 1);

        # now let's create the paging summary vars
        $self->param('total_entries' => $pager->total_entries);
        $self->param('start_num'     => $pager->first);
        $self->param('stop_num'      => $pager->last);
        $self->param('next_page'     => $pager->next_page);
        $self->param('prev_page'     => $pager->previous_page);
        $self->param('first_page'    => $pager->first_page eq $page_num);
        $self->param('last_page'     => $pager->last_page eq $page_num);

        foreach (($page_num - 5) .. ($page_num + 5)) {
            # if we are in a real range
            if (($_ > 0) && ($_ <= ceil($pager->total_entries / $self->param('PER_PAGE')))) {
                my %hash = (page_num => $_, current => $_ eq $page_num);
                push(@pages, \%hash);
        $self->param(pages => \@pages) if ($#pages);



    Sample templates are included with this distribution. These sample
    templates are installed with the module, or you can view them by looking
    under the templates/ directory of the source distribution (*.tar.gz*).

    Please feel free to copy and change them in what ever way you see fit.
    To help give you more information to display (or not display, depending
    on your preference) the following variables are available for your

  Global Tmpl Vars
    These variables are available throughout the templates and contain
    information related to the search as a whole:

    * ajax  A boolean indicating whether or not this search is an AJAX
            search or not. You can use this flag to exclude everything but
            your search results in your template.

    * url   The URL of this application. This is useful if you want to use
            the same templates in multiple applications, especially if you
            are using the AJAX capabilities since they require the URL to
            submit to.

    * searched
            A boolean indicating whether or not a search was performed.

    * keywords
            The exact string that was recieved by the server from the input
            named 'keywords'

    * elapsed_time
            A string representing the number of seconds that the search
            took. This will be a floating point number with a precision of

    * hits  This is an array of hashs (TMPL_LOOP in H::T) that contains one
            entry for each result returned (for the current page). Each
            entry contains the following keys:

                    The "swishreccount" property of the results as indexed
                    by SWISH-E

            rank    The rank to the result as given by SWISH-E (the
                    "swishrank" property)

            title   The "swishtitle" property of the results as indexed by

            path    The "swishdocpath" property of the results as indexed by

                    The "swishlastmodified" property of the results as
                    indexed by SWISH-E and then formatted using
                    Time::Piece's "strftime()" method with a format string
                    of "%B %d, %Y".

            size    The "swishdocsize" property of the results as indexed by
                    SWISH-E and then formatted with Number::Format's
                    "format_bytes()" method.

                    The "swishdescription" property of the results as
                    indexed by SWISH-E. If HIGHLIGHT is true, then this
                    description will also have search terms highlighted and
                    will only be, at most, DESCRIPTION_LENGTH characters

    * pages This is an array of hashes (TMPL_LOOP in H::T) that contains
            paging information for the results. It contains the following

            current A boolean indicating whether or not this iteration is
                    the current page or not.

                    The integer number of the page.

    * first_page
            This is a boolean indicating whether or not this page of the
            results is the first or not.

    * last_page
            This is a boolean indicating whether or not this page of the
            results is the last or not.

    * prev_page
            The integer number of the previous page. Will be 0 if there is
            no previous page.

    * next_page
            The integer number of the next page. Will be 0 if there is no
            next page.

    * start_num
            This is the number of the first result on the current page

    * stop_num
            This is the number of the last result on the current page

    * total_entries
            The total number of results in their search, not the total
            number shown on the page.

    *   If at any time prior to the execution of the 'perform_search' run
        mode you set the "$self->param('results')" parameter, a search will
        not be performed. Instead those results are returned. This is
        helpful when you decide in the "cgiapp_init" stage that this user
        does not have permissions to perform the desired search.

    *   You must use the *StoreDescription* setting in your Swish-e
        configuration file. If you don't you'll get an error when
        C::A::Search tries to retrieve a description for each hit.

    Michael Peters <mpeters@plusthree.com>

    Thanks to Plus Three, LP (http://www.plusthree.com) for sponsoring my
    work on this module.

    Sam Tregar <sam@tregar.com>
    Mark Stosberg <mark@summersault.com>
    Eric Folley <efolley@plusthree.com>