Portfolio Press Read Me --------------------------------- You can use this Portfolio Theme for your own websites and projects. No attribution is needed, but always appreciated. To leave comments or ask questions about the theme, please visit the theme page: http://wptheming.com/portfolio-theme/ Instructions and Common Questions --------------------------------- How to Set Up a Portfolio Item: Portfolio Press requires the "Portfolio Post Type" plugin in order to use the portfolio functionality: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/portfolio-post-type/ To add the portfolio image, click "Set featured image" on the right side of the screen beneath "Portfolio Tags". This will take you to the media uploader to add your image. When you finish, click "Use as Featured Image". Switching Themes: If you want to switch themes, you will likely have trouble finding that fully supports portfolio post types. If you feel comfortable editing a bit of code, you can install the Portfolio Post Type plugin and make your own archive-portfolio.php and single-portfolio template: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/portfolio-post-type/ Otherwise, you might want to switch your custom post types to regular posts or pages. To do this, you can use this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/convert-post-types/ Credits --------------------------------- WordPress projects always stand on the shoulders of others. Please take this theme and build upon it for you own work! Portfolio was built on the solid foundation of Toolbox: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/toolbox Testing and extremely helpful code reviews were done by Michael Fields (http://wordpress.mfields.org/) and Jacob M Goldman (https://twitter.com/jakemgold).
A WordPress theme for artists and designers to showcase their work.