
:alarm_clock: Pomodoro timer built with ReactJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status release Dependency Status devDependency Status

Pomodoro timer for developers.



  • Add to homescreen
  • Offline support
  • Times available:
    • Timer for code - 25min
    • Timer for social - 5min
    • Timer for Coffee - 15min
  • Time display:
    • Page display
    • Title display

  • Alarms available:
    • Web Notifications
    • Vibration
    • Songs
  • Basic controls:
    • Play button
    • Pause button
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Space: Play
    • Ctrl/Command + Left: Toggle mode
    • Ctrl/Command + Right: Toggle mode


To keep better organization of releases we follow the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 guidelines.

Run the project locally

1 - Prepare the environment:

$ npm install -g webpack

2 - Clone the project and install the dependencies:

$ git clone https://github.com/afonsopacifer/react-pomodoro.git
$ cd react-pomodoro
$ npm install

3 - Run webpack and webpack-dev-server:

$ npm start

Go to: localhost:8080

Tasks available

  • $ npm start - Run webpack and webpack-dev-server
  • $ npm run lint - ESlint :D
  • $ npm run test - Run mocha tests
  • $ npm run build - Generates the bundle.js
  • $ npm run deploy - Push for gh-pages


Find on our issues the next steps of the project ;)
Want to contribute? Follow these recommendations.


See Releases for detailed changelog.


MIT License © Afonso Pacifer