Welcome to Voyager

Voyager is a simple mobile-friendly job application portal.

You can kick the tires here: https://job-voyager.herokuapp.com/


ruby 2.5.1: Install ruby using your ruby version manager of choice (e.g. chruby, rvm)

rails 5.2: gem install rails

yarn: brew install yarn


Install gems: bundle install

Initialize NodeJS modules: yarn install

Initialize database: bundle exec rake db:create && bundle exec rake db:migrate && bundle exec rake db:seed

Start rails server: rails s

Start webpack dev server: ./bin/webpack-dev-server

Start using app at: localhost:3000


  • Add tests (rspec, jest)

  • Integrate with Facebook for applicant info/login

  • Add A/B test for 'years of experience' page

  • Add Analytics for completion rate