
xeriscape is a simple garden management interface that lists the plants in your garden and allows you to water each plant individually, while also giving you each plant's health status and root length.


ruby: 2.6.0 install using your ruby manager of choice

yarn: brew install yarn


Install gems: bundle install

Initialize NodeJS modules: yarn install

Initialize postgres: docker-compose up

Initialize database: bundle exec rails db:create && bundle exec rails db:migrate && bundle exec rails db:seed

Start rails server: rails s

Start webpack dev server: ./bin/webpack-dev-server

Run the Tests

bundle exec rspec

yarn run cypress open



Fixed by removing turbolinks.


Garden show page react component doesn't attach to the DOM on initial page load when coming from the garden index page. If you navigate from root to a garden show page you have to refresh the page for the component to attach to the DOM. If you type a garden path straight into the url then the show page loads just fine. Assumption is that the DOMContentLoaded event is not being fired when coming from the link on the garden index.


Add more specs (including front end jest specs)

Features to consider:

  • Add ability to plant_seeds in garden

  • Add ability to remove_plant from garden

  • Factor weather into calculation of how much water a plant needs (maybe add plant status of :thirsty)

  • Random 'invasive species attacks' (could be based on weather patter)

  • Overall garden health diagnosis