
Primary LanguagePython

Project Description and Steps

This is a project to automate the following actions using the Page Object Model:

  • Go to Cars.com and:
    • Select Used Cars
    • Select Make Honda
    • Select Model Pilot
    • Select Price 50000
    • Select Distance 100 miles
    • Enter Zip Code 60008
    • Click Search
  • Validate using assertions that 4 filters are displayed next to Clear All
    • Max Price is 50000
    • Selected Make is Honda
    • Selected Model is Pilot
    • Selected Used
  • Select New radio button from New/Used
  • Validate using assertion that the New filter is displayed and Used is NOT displayed
  • Select Touring 8-Passemger from Trim
  • Validate using assertion that the Touring 8-Passenger filter is displayed
  • Select the second available car
  • Validate using assertions:
    • Selected car title contains Honda Pilot 8-Passenger For Sale
    • Check Availability button is displayed
  • In the Contact Seller section enter:
  • Scroll down to Payment Calculator and take a screenshot

My Notes - Python Tests

I built this using the POM as logically as I could see to assemble it. I did run into some odd issues with Cars.com returning 503s across browsers, almost as if they're using automation detection of some sort. I couldn't find a way to bypass it entirely, so I tested this logic piecemeal to ensure it made sense, then re-assembled it into a single test case for review.

You'll find the POMs in /pages, and the single test case in tests/.

To run the tests

Initial Setup

  1. Set up a virtualenv (python3 -m pip venv .venv)
  2. Activate the venv (source .venv/bin/activate)
  3. Install the Python requirements (pip install -r requirements)
  4. In addition, you'll need selenium (brew install selenium-server-standalone) and chromedriver (brew install chromedriver), as well as Google Chrome.

On-Demand Runs

With the above setup in place, you can call ./run_tests.sh to trigger a test run.

My Notes - Cypress Tests

Given the issues I was having getting selenium to drive the automation in this case, I decided to make another attempt in Cypress, and ran into similar issues eventually. I did not complete this code flow due to those failures, but left it as a partial example of how I'd implement a POM test in Cypress.

To run the tests

Initial Setup

To set up requirements: npm install

On-Demand Runs

With the setup in place, run: $(npm bin)/cypress run -s cypress/integrations/cars.js