GraphQL and ExtReact Tech Talk

This code was presented during Sencha's tech talk on August 31, 2017 entitled "Leveraging React and GraphQL to Create a Performant, Scalable Data Grid".


How this Repo is Organized

This is a monorepo that uses Lerna. It contains three packages:

  • server - A simple GraphQL server built with node, express, apollo, and sqllite. It provides the back end for the two packages below
  • apollo-example - An app that uses react-apollo to fetch data for an ExtReact Grid.
  • relay-example - Provides the same functionality as apollo-example, except using relay

Both the apollo-example and relay-example apps use Redux for state management.


In order to run the two example applications in this repo, you must have a trial or paid subscription to ExtReact. Click here to sign up for a trial of ExtReact.

Once you receive your credentials from Sencha, sign into Sencha's NPM registry by running the following command. Existing ExtReact customers can skip this step.

npm login --registry= --scope=@extjs

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install

Finally, run the Apollo example:

npm run apollo

Or, run the relay example:

npm run relay

Further Reading