
Batch Image Transformations and Effects with Python PIL

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PILFX - Batch Image Transformations and Effects with Python PIL

A Python batch image processing utility which uses the Pillow (PIL) library to apply various image effects and transformations.


  • Python 3
  • Pillow (PIL)
  • Numpy

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/bradsec/pilfx
  1. Place original images into the src directory within the cloned pilfx directory.

Note: Newly generated images will be saved in the dst directory.
The src and dst locations can be changes using the -s and -d arguments.

  1. Run the command python3 pilfx.py (options) as per examples shown below.

Color Palettes

A list of pre-defined color palettes can be found in color_palettes.py. Additional palettes can be added. Color palette are used the set colors arguments --set_colors "palettename"

Colors can also be set manually. Colors must be in HEX format example for red, white and black: --set_colors "#ff0000,#ffffff,#000000"

To make a color transparent in the end image for png files only use --set_trans_color
Example black transparet --set_trans_color "#000000"

For detailed photos this works best when you have reduced and set the colors in the image.

Command-line Usage

 ██████╗ ██╗██╗     ███████╗██╗  ██╗
 ██╔══██╗██║██║     ██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝
 ██████╔╝██║██║     █████╗   ╚███╔╝ 
 ██╔═══╝ ██║██║     ██╔══╝   ██╔██╗ 
 ██║     ██║███████╗██║     ██╔╝ ██╗
 ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝

 [Batch Image Transformations and Effects with Python PIL]

No command line arguments provided
usage: pilfx.py [-h] [-s SRC_DIR] [-d DST_DIR] [-c REDUCE_COLORS] [-g] [-i] [-o OPACITY] [-r ROTATE] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT]
                [--scale SCALE] [--algo ALGO] [--filetype FILETYPE] [--pixelize [PIXELIZE]] [--halftone [HALFTONE]] [--dither]
                [--posterize [POSTERIZE]] [--blur_before BLUR_BEFORE] [--blur_after BLUR_AFTER] [--brightness BRIGHTNESS]
                [--saturation SATURATION] [--htsample HTSAMPLE] [--shuffle_colors] [--set_colors SET_COLORS]
                [--set_trans_colors SET_TRANS_COLORS]

Process images.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SRC_DIR, --src_dir SRC_DIR
                        Source (src) directory (contains original images to be processed)
  -d DST_DIR, --dst_dir DST_DIR
                        Destination (dst) directory (contains newly created images)
  -c REDUCE_COLORS, --reduce_colors REDUCE_COLORS
                        Reduce the amount of colors in the images color palette
  -g, --grayscale       Grayscale
  -i, --invert          Invert colors
  -o OPACITY, --opacity OPACITY
                        Set opacity of final image (values 0.0 to 1.0 with zero being fully transparent)
  -r ROTATE, --rotate ROTATE
                        Rotation angle
  --width WIDTH         New width
  --height HEIGHT       New height
  --scale SCALE         Scale percentage
  --algo ALGO           Change resample algorithm NEAREST = 0, LANCZOS = 1, BILINEAR = 2, BICUBIC = 3, BOX = 4, HAMMING = 5
  --filetype FILETYPE   Output filetype - .png (preserve transparency effects) or .jpg (no transparency, generally smaller file sizes)
  --pixelize [PIXELIZE]
  --halftone [HALFTONE]
                        Halftone foreground and background colors
  --dither              Apply FLOYDSTEINBERG dithering
  --posterize [POSTERIZE]
                        Posterize image bits 1-8
  --blur_before BLUR_BEFORE
                        Blur factor (before any effects applied) - Recommended values 0-10, high values can be used
  --blur_after BLUR_AFTER
                        Blur factor (after any effects are applied) - Recommended values 0-10, high values can be used
  --brightness BRIGHTNESS
  --saturation SATURATION
  --htsample HTSAMPLE   Change halftone sample size
  --shuffle_colors      Colors in --set_colors including color palettes will be shuffled each time.
  --set_colors SET_COLORS
                        Custom colors or color palette name to replace existing colors
  --set_trans_colors SET_TRANS_COLORS
                        Colors to be made transparent

Sample Images and Commands

Sample photo credit - Unsplash

Command Resulting Image
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#000000, #FFFFFF" dst/car_1920x1280_halftone10_colors_000000_ffffff.png
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#00FF00, #000000" --htsample 20 --scale 150 dst/car_2880x1920_halftone20_colors_00ff00_000000.png
python3 pilfx.py --set_colors "cga" dst/car_1920x1280_cga_colorpalette_8color_cga_colorpalette.png
python3 pilfx.py --reduce_colors 16 --pixelize 128 dst/car_1920x1280_16color_pixelized128.png
python3 pilfx.py --scale 50 --rotate 45 --filetype .jpg dst/car_1132x1132_rotated45.jpg
python3 pilfx.py --reduce_colors 16 --invert --grayscale --filetype .jpg dst/car_1920x1280_16color_grayscale_invert.jpg
python3 pilfx.py --reduce_colors 8 --filetype .jpg --pixelize 512 --saturation 3.0 --brightness 1.5 dst/car_1920x1280_8color_pixelized512_br1.5_sat3.0.jpg
python3 pilfx.py --reduce_colors 128 --set_colors "solarized" --blur_before 15 --pixelize 1024 dst/car_1920x1280_blur15.0_128color_solarized_colorpalette_pixelized1024.png

Example Usage

# Resize to a required width maintaining aspect ratio
python3 pilfx.py -width 1920

#  Resize to a required height maintaining aspect ratio
python3 pilfx.py -height 1080

# Note: Setting both width and height will not squash image it will crop to the size unless you have correct aspect ratio.

# Alternative resizing by scaling up or down (by percentage)

# Example for 200% (twice original size)
python3 pilfx.py --scale 200

# Example for 50% (half size)
python3 pilfx.py --scale 50

# Reduce colors in image

# Example reduce to 16 color image
python3 pilfx.py -c 16

# Example reduce to 4 color image
python3 pilfx.py -c 4

# Example reduce to two color image and change colors (use HEX values)
python3 pilfx.py -c 2 --set_colors "#000000,#FFFFFF"

# Example to reduce colors and set one of the colors to transparent
python3 pilfx.py -c 2 --set_colors "#000000,#FFFFFF" --set_trans_colors "#000000"

# Example using color palette defined in `color_palettes.py`
# This method will reduce the image colors by how many are in the named color_palette

python3 pilfx.py --set_colors "cga"
# Creating a halftone effect (choose two HEX colors)
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#FFFFFF,#000000"

# Change halftone sample size (circles) default is 10
# Increasing --htsample value will make the pattern larger
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#FFFFFF,#000000" --htsample 20

# Halftone with transparent background
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#FFFFFF, none"

# Halftone with original image in background
python3 pilfx.py --halftone "#000000, image"
# Pixelize image retro effect try different values 64, 128, 256
python3 pilfx.py --pixelize 128

# Can be used with other combinations
python3 pilfx.py --set_colors "c64" --pixelize 128
# Rotate images with --rotate and angle
python3 pilfx.py --rotate 90