
Python3 VirusTotal API v3 File Hash Lookup

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python3 VirusTotal API v3 File Hash Lookup

Getting started

Prerequisite: A VirusTotal API key is required and must be set as an environment variable with a name of VT_API_KEY. Get a free public API key by completing the signup at https://www.virustotal.com/gui/join-us.

  1. Download or clone the vtlookup repository
    git clone https://github.com/bradsec/vtlookup.git

  2. Set the VT_API_KEY environment variable:

For Linux users -

export VT_API_KEY

For Windows users -


Usage examples (running from terminal)

  • Lookup using plain text hash (hashValue can be md5, sha1, or sha256) -
    python3 vtlookup.py -hash hashValue
    The below example will return detections:
    python3 vtlookup.py -hash a2f6b977b849ba588b88c81b68b4535c

  • Lookup by getting the sha256 hash from a local file -
    python3 vtlookup.py -file specifyfilename.ext

  • Offline debug using the included test.json file -
    python3 vtlookup.py -debug test.json


API error code descriptions can be found at: https://developers.virustotal.com/reference/errors