
Instructions to set up the Bert QNA English Demo on Local system

  1. Clone the repository in your system.
  2. Download the model file from and unzip it in /bert directory.
  3. Install and create a virtual environment by the following step. You'll need python <= 3.6 to set it up.
sudo apt install virtualenv
virtualenv venv --python=python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the dependencies from requirement.txt file (it will install all the required packages)
pip install -r requirement.txt
  1. Run the flask app by the following command (by default the app is running on port 5000)
  1. You can access the Bert QNA at

  2. We have also included API to enable access of the QnA from third-party application. You can make call to with paragraph and questions from HTML form.

If you have any other questions or face issues in setting the demo up then kindly reach out to us at

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