=== Twitter Importer === Contributors: bradt Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5VPMGLLK94XJC Tags: twitter, importer, tweets Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.2 Stable tag: trunk Import all tweets from your Twitter timeline. == Description == Based on the RSS Importer, the Twitter importer pages through Twitter's RSS feeds of your tweets and imports each tweet as a post. You can import as Wordpress' default post type or choose a custom post type you have setup. == Installation == 1. Download twitter-importer.<version>.zip 2. Unzip the archive 3. Upload the twitter-importer folder to your wp-content/plugins directory 4. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface 5. Run the importer from the Tools > Import menu == Changelog == = 0.2 (2011-09-04) = * Added custom post type option and removed category option = 0.1 (2010-06-30) = * Converted to a plugin for WP 3.0 release