
A plugin for markdown-magic that parses jsdoc style comments as a transform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A plugin for markdown-magic that parses jsdoc style comments as a transform


npm i markdown-magic markdown-magic-jsdoc --save-dev

Adding the plugin

See doc.js for usage.

/* eslint import/no-extraneous-dependencies: ["error", {"devDependencies": true}] */
const path = require('path');
const markdownMagic = require('markdown-magic'); // 'markdown-magic'
const JSDOC = require('./index.js');

const mmdConfig = {
  transforms: {
    /* Match <!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT:START (JSDOC:files=../docs.js) --> */

const markdownPath = path.join(__dirname, './', 'README.md');
markdownMagic(markdownPath, mmdConfig);

Usage in markdown

See examples/*.js for usage. For complete documentation on comment structure, please visit https://github.com/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-to-markdown/wiki

Original Comment

 * A module for adding two values.
 * @module add-two-values

 * Add two values.
function add (a, b) {
  return a + b

Markdown Output


A module for adding two values.


Add two values.

Kind: inner method of add-two-values


This module does not support all of the options for jsdoc-to-markdown. Create a PR if you want to add an option


Returns markdown documentation from jsdoc-annoted source code.

Kind: global constant

Param Type Description
files Array.<object> full path to the local javascript file that has the jsdoc comment
heading-depth number The initial heading depth. For example, with a value of 2 the top-level markdown headings look like "## The heading".
no-gfm boolean By default, dmd generates github-flavoured markdown. Not all markdown parsers render gfm correctly. If your generated docs look incorrect on sites other than Github (e.g. npmjs.org) try enabling this option to disable Github-specific syntax.
separators boolean Put <hr> breaks between identifiers. Improves readability on bulky docs.
module-index-format string none, grouped, table, dl.
global-index-format string none, grouped, table, dl.
param-list-format string Two options to render parameter lists: 'list' or 'table' (default). Table format works well in most cases but switch to list if things begin to look crowded / squashed.
property-list-format string list, table.
member-index-format string grouped, list

