This is a basic powershell wrapper intended to expose the capabilities of the Duo Admin API Duo Admin API.
Momentum is shifting to clients and servers supporting TLS 1.2. This plugin is capable of connecting to Duo with TLS 1.2 but doesn't do anything to direct the protocol used rather it relies on the SystemDefault configured for schannel on the host
If you want to force TLS 1.2 make sure your system can actually support it.
If you decide you want to force this module to use TLS1.2 add this code block to your Duo_org.ps1 or your $PROFILE script.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
- Download the module (git clone or download the zip)
- Place the module in your PSModulePath hint Read more about PSModulePath Here
Write-Host $env:PSModulePath
- Get the Integration Key, Secret Key and API Hostname for your Admin API Integration First Steps
- Create a file called Duo_org.ps1 (example content below) and save it in the directory with the Duo.psd1 and Duo.psm1 files.
<# Duo_org.ps1 #>
# define the default Duo Org/Instance you want to use, useful if you have more than one.
[string]$DuoDefaultOrg = "prod"
[Hashtable]$DuoOrgs = @{
prod = [Hashtable]@{
iKey = [string]"DIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
sKey = [string]"YourSecretsHere"
apiHost = [string]"api-nnnnnxnx.duosecurity.com"
etst = [Hashtable]@{
iKey = [string]"DIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
sKeyEnc = [string]"Big Long protected string on 1 line here"
apiHost = [string]"api-nnnnnxnx.duosecurity.com"
if you'd like and added layer of protection to this key sitting in your file you can encrypt the string! After you've loaded the duo module you can use helper function duoEncskey. Paste your plaintext key into the dialog and paste the resulting output into the value for sKeyEnc in the configuration block (see etst above)
- Open a command prompt
cd %userprofile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
git clone https://github.com/mbegan/Duo-PSModule.git Duo
cd Duo
notepad Duo_org.ps1
- Paste the basic format for the Duo_org.ps1 file listed Above.
- Modify file as required (Update yourdomain, API Token you generated for that org etc)
- Optionally after the Duo module is imported generate the encrypted string and replace the plaintext value
- Save the file
- Launch powershell (or even better, the powershell ise)
- Import the Duo Module
- Use
PS C:\> Import-Module Duo
PS C:\> $users = duoGetUser
PS C:\> $users.Count
PS C:\> foreach ($u in $users) {Write-Host $u.username `t $u.user_id `t $u.phones[0].number}
user1 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 +15556543210
user2 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 +15556543211
user3 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2 +15556543212
user4 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3 +15556543213
user5 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4 +15556543214
user6 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5
user7 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6 +15556543215
user8 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7
user9 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8 +15556543216
user10 DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9 +15556543217
When elements are returned in the API they are powershell objects, you can treat them as such.
PS C:\> $u | gm
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
desktoptokens NoteProperty System.Object[] desktoptokens=System.Object[]
email NoteProperty System.String email=first.last@company.tld
groups NoteProperty System.Object[] groups=System.Object[]
last_login NoteProperty System.Int32 last_login=1453410816
notes NoteProperty System.String notes=
phones NoteProperty System.Object[] phones=System.Object[]
realname NoteProperty System.String realname=First Last
status NoteProperty System.String status=active
tokens NoteProperty System.Object[] tokens=System.Object[]
username NoteProperty System.String username=user1
user_id NoteProperty System.String user_id=DUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0
The commands implimented are listed below, if you have a specific use case ask away i'll post an example. If you are handy with powershell feel free to impliment additional functionality and send a PR.
NOTE in most cases the Create* functions also serve to Modify if the object identifier of an existing object is provided
- duoAssocUserToGroup
- duoAssocUserToPhone
- duoAssocUserToToken
- duoCreateActivationCode
- duoCreateAdmin
- duoCreateIntegration
- duoCreatePhone
- duoCreateToken
- duoCreateUser
- duoDeleteAdmin
- duoDeleteGroup
- duoDeleteIntegration
- duoDeletePhone
- duoDeleteToken
- duoDeleteUser
- duoEnrollUser
- duoGetAdmin
- duoGetGroup
- duoGetInfo
- duoGetIntegration
- duoGetLog
- duoGetPhone
- duoGetToken
- duoGetUser
- duoGetUserBypass
- duoSendSMSCodes
- duoSoftTotpClient