
Full-stack clone of Genius.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Elucidate is a web-app and online community inspired by Genius for sharing song information and lyric interpretation, allowing users to submit tracks, annotations, comments, and vote for their favorite interpretations. It was built using Ruby on Rails in conjunction with React/Redux and PostgreSQL.


Elucidate uses Rails 5.0 for its backend architecture due to the ease and speed with which it can get multiple RESTful prototypes up and running.

The front end is written using JavaScript's React library version 15.5 due it's modularity and lightweight virtual DOM. React was used in conjunction with react-router 4.1, webpack 2.5 and the redux 3.6 implementation of the flux architecture.

All images are hosted using amazon web services.

Features & Implementation

  • Secure front-end and back-end user authentication using BCrypt
  • Ability to create, edit, update and destroy tracks
  • Add annotations to lyric snippets by highlighting text
  • Comments on annotations
  • Single search bar for tracks, artist, or lyrics
  • Voting on annotations and comments



Users have full access to create, read, update, or destroy their tracks. Tracks are indexed on the home page by number of annotations.

Users can add tracks with just the artist information, track title and lyrics. If they desire, a user can also add additional information like album art, a youtube link, and production information. Each youtube link is validated before submitting as follows:

validYoutubeLink() {
  return (

The track form is reused for editing tracks with the track information pre-populated and additional buttons added for update and deletion.


Each track has it's own show page, containing more information about the track (album art, producers, editors etc) as well as an embeddable youtube link to the song itself. The lyrics are displayed with their corresponding annotations highlighted in yellow.


Annotations are where users can add their insight into what they think a lyric means. Each user can also add comments to a given annotation.

If an annotation already exists for a given slice of lyrics, the user just needs to click on the highlighted text and add their insight.

Adding a brand new annotation is done by simply highlighting the slice of text the user wishes to annotate. On mouse-up, a form is displayed either prompting the user to log in, or to enter their annotation. The start and indices are attained with the following slices of code and stored in the database along with the body, container and user ids.


Note that the function attempts to find the indices beginning with both the anchor node and the focus node to account for highlighting top to bottom versus bottom to top.

// frontend/components/track_show/track_show.jsx
getRange(e) {
  this.setState({yPos: (e.pageY - 360) });
  this.setState({ currentAnnotationContainer: "" });
  let track = this.props.track;
  let selection = document.getSelection();
  let anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
  let start = selection.anchorOffset;

  // First check slice of text beginning at anchor node (node at mouse down)
  // If check fails, check slice beginning at focus node (mouse up)
  for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    if (i === 1) {
      anchorNode = selection.focusNode;
      start = selection.focusOffset;

    let end = start + selection.toString().length;
    let offset = findOffset(anchorNode.parentElement);
    start += offset;
    end += offset;

    if (track.lyrics.slice(start, end) === selection.toString() ) {
      this.setState({selection: [start, end]});
// frontend/util/annotation_util.jsx
export const findOffset = (node) => {
  let offset = 0;
  let prevSibling = node.previousSibling;

  while (prevSibling) {
    offset += prevSibling.innerText.length;
    prevSibling = prevSibling.previousSibling;

  return offset;


Elucidate utilizes a single input field that returns fuzzy matching either artists, track titles, or song lyrics.

The search uses PostgreSQL queries to return fuzzy matches for artists and tracks and exact matches for lyrics in the track controller



Users can vote on all annotations and comments, which get displayed in descending order of score. Votes persist and the thumbs get colored for readability.


Future Improvements

User page / Score Tracking

Add a user page showing total score of their contributions, as well as their top annotations and comments.

Artist Page and Albums

Add an album field to the track page, and an artist show page listing all their tracks by album (which link to track show page)

Genres and Tags

Add ability to add genres and tags to album. Change track index page to filter songs by genres and tags.