
Testing NSUserDefaults scalability

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Quickly built this to test NSUserDefaults performance and scalability. To see for yourself, open the project in Xcode and run the tests.

Results (1000 iterations)

NSUserDefaults, setObject, synch after, empty defaults Avg. Runtime: 0.39 seconds

NSUserDefaults, setObject, no synch, empty defaults Avg. Runtime: 0.38 seconds

NSUserDefaults, setObject, synch after, 100 other strings in defaults Avg. Runtime: 4.70 seconds

NSUserDefaults, setObject, no synch, 100 other strings in defaults Avg. Runtime: 4.78 seconds

NSUserDefaults, setObject, synch after, 1000 other strings in defaults Avg. Runtime: 87.90 seconds

NSUserDefaults, setObject, no synch, 1000 other strings in defaults Avg. Runtime: 86.87 seconds

NSDictionary, setObject Avg. Runtime: 0.00132 seconds


Say you have 1000 strings in your nsuserdefaults already (not impossible). typing a 100 character message would tie up the CPU for ~8.8 seconds over the time you typed it (because we do setObject in NSUserDefaults for every character you type. so we can preserve what you typed in case the app crashes, etc)