
A functional blockchain and cryptocurrency made from scratch

Primary LanguagePython


For a CS capstone project in my senior year of high school, I made my own blockchain from scratch and used it to maintain a cryptocurrency. Some highlights of this project were:

  • Implementing the Proof of Work consensus algorithm
  • Learning about digital signatures and hash functions and implementing ECDSA
  • Creating a small network of miners which communicated using HTTP and allowed the cryptocurrency to function

For more information, read my final paper.

Here is a simple description of each file, and further comments are contained within the code:

  • blockchain.py: Validates blocks and organizes them into the actual blockchain. Uses Proof of Work to resolve conflicts between branches of the blockchain.
  • client.py: Creates a crypto wallet which can be used to store account information and interact with miners to transact on the blockchain.
  • elliptic.py: Math for elliptic curves. Used for digital signatures.
  • mine.py: Running this file creates a miner and maintains a blockchain with any other nodes it connects to.
  • miner.py: Subclass of a node which mines cryptocurrency and distributes newly mined blocks.
  • node.py: Node classes which run servers and communicate with other nodes to make sure everyone has the same blockchain recorded. Uses locks to make sure it is thread safe.
  • signature.py: Implementation of multiple signature algorithms.
  • transaction.py: Transaction and Ledger classes which record and verify transactions on the blockchain.
  • utils.py: Utility functions for prime numbers, hashing, and verification.