
My Sublime Text config

Primary LanguageHTML


This is my Sublime Text config from when I used it as my main editor.

Setup Instructions

  1. Move the contents of this repository to the User folder. On macOS, this is probably located at ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages/User.
  2. Open the command palette (Cmd + Shift + P) and type Install Package Control if Package Control is not already installed.
  3. Restart Sublime Text.

Note: This will overwrite the current preferences and packages.


Syntax specific configs



  • "Markdown" build system to compile and view HTML
    • Uses pandoc (installed with Homebrew)
    • Nicely styled page
    • Code can be copied by clicking
    • Deletes HTML after build
  • Color scheme to make headers more visible


  • LSP (with various languages)
  • Terminus
    • Terminal in Sublime Text
    • Set up to use powerlevel10k and tmux
    • May need to run "Terminus Utilities: Generate User Theme" in Command Palette to fix formatting
  • sublime-matrix-calculator
    • I made it!
  • Color Highlight
  • RemoteSubl
  • see all packages in Package Control.sublime-settings


Other notes

  • Additional layouts
    • View $\to$ Layout $\to$ Rotated Face
  • Various syntax specific modifications
  • Tab for autocomplete
  • Made for macOS