
Example unit testing vue-class-component Vue.js components with Mocha and TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an example project demonstrating how to test Vue.js components defined with vue-class-component decorators using Mocha and TypeScript.


Run npm install

Run Tests

To execute the test suite, run npm test.


The Unit Testing guide for Vue.js does an excellent job explaining how to test components but if you are utilitizing TypeScript and vue-class-component decorators, testing is just as straightforward but does require a slightly different setup.

In this project, there is a single file component defined in src/helloWorld.vue and a corresponding unit test in /test/helloWorld.ts.

This single test defined in this file, instantiates the helloWorld component with a property value and ensures this value is rendered correctly.

describe("HelloWorld", () => {
    // Inspect the component instance on mount
    it("correctly sets the foobar value when created", () => {
        let foobar = "fooboo";
        const ctor = Vue.extend(HelloWorld);
        const vm: any = new ctor({ propsData: { foobar } }).$mount();

        assert.equal(vm.foobar, foobar);
        assert.include(vm.$el.textContent, `value specified of ${foobar}`);

Since helloWorld.vue is a single file component, it must be processed with Webpack before it can be tested with Mocha. mocha-webpack is used to run the tests and source files through Webpack (with config defined in test/support/webpack.config.js) and then execute the tests with Mocha, all with a single command.

Additionally, since Vue.js components assume a DOM context and these tests are run from Node.js, jsdom is used to mock the DOM (bootstraped from test/support/domMocker.js).