This repo is a minimal example of an Android and iOS flutter app using taskd-client-dart.

It can be tested interactively in a device emulator, or you can run the integration test.

The app assumes you are using taskd-setup-dart to serve taskd on localhost, as instructed below.

To install taskd-setup-dart, you can use the following,

dart pub global activate -sgit

Except for the docker approach, you will need to install taskwarrior and taskd. For Windows, you would install them in WSL.

Running the flutter app

Running the flutter app interactively:

flutter run

Running integration tests:

flutter drive --driver integration_test/driver.dart --target integration_test/app_test.dart

Running a taskd server on localhost

The flutter app uses a taskd server running on localhost. Below are notes on running that server for the app to connect to.

If you are using Android, you will need to replace taskd-setup with the following,

taskd-setup --CN= --address=

Note the flutter app automatically connects to when running in Android.

macOS and GNU/Linux

cd fixture


Open Debian in WSL in Terminal.exe.

Debian is recommended as their package manager provides taskd.

cd fixture


cd docker