Pinned issues
- 0
The Future of eslint-plugin-typescript
#290 opened by bradzacher - 6
The future of casing rules
#185 opened by bradzacher - 8
[no-unused-vars][BUG] Not working with unused parameter as stated in latest update
#288 opened by NoPhaseNoKill - 2
- 6
Consider babel-eslint for parser?
#285 opened by jquense - 3
[no-unused-vars] False positive with JSX
#283 opened by bradzacher - 0
[no-this-alias] Crash on declare module
#281 opened by bradzacher - 8
Is it possible to include a config portion for import plugin in recommended settings?
#275 opened by kirill-konshin - 6
Support for typed TSLint rules
#276 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 2
- 4
plugin:typescript/recommended is not compatible with eslint-plugin-vue
#272 opened by ChristianStornowski - 5
- 3
How should the TypeScript package be installed?
#264 opened by j-f1 - 1
[no-unused-vars] get type of a interface property
#256 opened by KangdaOOLin - 12
eslint-plugin-typescript vs tslint vs prettier
#248 opened by guaizi149 - 14
Eslint-docs and prettier seem to disagree
#249 opened by uniqueiniquity - 0
- 4
- 13
Update requireindex
#210 opened by chrisblossom - 2
[no-unused-vars] on enums
#244 opened by rndmerle - 9
- 1
[no-unused-vars] enum members throw errors
#235 opened by mogafk - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
[no-unused-vars] does not work if type is only used in union in generic parameter
#218 opened by SevInf - 2
- 2
- 8
Update typescript-eslint-parser
#166 opened by bradzacher - 2
[no-empty-pattern] gets triggered on a non-destructuring array declaration
#155 opened by mcuelenaere - 1
- 2
- 1
- 3
[no-unused-vars] crashes with initialized enums
#193 opened by targos - 2
Incorrect README or parse not published?
#198 opened by donaldpipowitch - 5
[prefer-namespace-keyword] Crash when using the rule
#188 opened by iwata - 0
Incorrect husky configuration in package.json
#196 opened by weirdpattern - 4
[camelcase] false positive on interface properties
#177 opened by bradzacher - 1
Add explicit dependencies
#184 opened by bradzacher - 0
lint-stage configuration
#190 opened by weirdpattern - 8
[no-unused-vars] Crash when running ESLint
#171 opened by ficristo - 6
- 2
[no-dupe-args][no-redeclare] False positive with object destructuring and inline type
#164 opened by armano2 - 9
[no-unused-vars] How to configure?
#170 opened by ficristo - 19
Looking for new maintainer(s)
#165 opened by nzakas - 1
Cannot migrate from babel-eslint
#162 opened by AdrienLemaire - 0
- 1
Add rule to handle space-infix-ops
#156 opened by madbence