
📖 Get a Wikipedia summary from a text message, for use where mobile data is not feasible

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Provides an easy way to get Wikipedia summaries when not connected to mobile data!


Text using syntax wiki:"search term here" and you'll get a summary and an article link in response!

Libraries: wikijs+twilio in a Google Cloud Function

Local Testing

cd cloud-function
npm install
npm install -g twilio-cli
twilio login
twilio phone-numbers:update "PHONE_NUM" --sms-url="http://localhost:8080"
npm start



gcloud functions deploy sms --trigger-http --runtime nodejs10 --entry-point fromTwilio
twilio phone-numbers:update "PHONE_NUM" --sms-url="CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL"

Auto CI/CD with Google Cloud Build:

Setup a trigger on master push to build w/ cloudbuild.yaml

twilio phone-numbers:update "PHONE_NUM" --sms-url="CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL"