This is my personnal ArchLinux auto-installer. Feel free to fork or ask me any question.
- Awesome WM as desktop manager (tilling)
- LightDM as login manager
- Compton as compositor
- Termite as terminal
- i3-gaps
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth working
- USB mount-on-connect
- Automatic screen managing, just connect them
- All great fonts installed
- All this comes with beautiful themes and complete configuration
The goal of this project is to provide an easy to install ArchLinux configuration, but also easy to modify and to understand.
Begin arch installtion by following official guide:
Once installed and still in arch-chroot, install base-devel and git :
pacman -S base-devel git
Create your user as specified here : Define your password with :
Add your user to the sudoers file :
Login as your newly created user :
Setup zsh :
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Install yay or your prefered AUR package manager :
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Clone this repository, and then install it with makepkg :
cd kana-p
makepkg --noextract -si
Old doc:
I recommend to install this package from a fresh install but this is not mandatory.
Just follow the Installation Guide and start from that.
Activate the multilib repository by uncommenting the appropriate lines in /etc/pacman.conf
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Remember to sync with pacman -Sy
Simply install the kana-p-git package on the AUR. Reboot and enjoy.
Just don't do this. There is too much AUR depencies.
Once you get on your newly installed desktop :
- Toggle the top bar : Win + D
- Run something : Win + R
- Start a terminal : Win + Enter
- Switch of desktop : Win + Right or Left arrow
- Close a window : Win + C
- Lock : Win + Q
- See keybindings cheatsheet : Win + S
Click on the top-left icon to show a menu with all applications and a quick way to shutdown your computer.
Show the systray by clicking on the tiny <
at right.
Digits at the left are all your differents desktop.
Letters at the right show some informations of your computer :
- w => wifi, in percentage
- d => Download rate, in megabytes per second
- u => Upload rate, in megabytes per second
- v => Volume, in percentage
- r => RAM used, in megabytes
- c => CPU used, in percentage
Use feh in command-line to set custom wallpaper.
Example :
feh --bg-fill something.png
It support multiple files for multiple screens
Put your shell-script in ~/.kana-p-startup
It will be executed before awesome start.