
Devops labs solutions for F22 course at Innopolis University

Primary LanguageRust

Moscow time zone web application

Lint markdown files Python package Rust Rust audit

This application launches a web server that runs on port 8000 and responds with current time in UTC/GMT +3 timezone.



Shows current time according to the server


Tests internal clock with other server, returns observed difference.


List of recorded visits to / endpoint


Metrics formatted for Prometheus scraping

Python implementation

You can find implementation written in Python language in folder app_python. Also there is PYTHON.md file in the directory that lists some best practices used in the project and reasoning behind framework choice.

This application can be set up/run manually or as a docker container

Docker run guide

With docker compose

If you have docker compose installed, you can just write docker compose up inside project folder.

Without docker compose

Without compose you can use docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm bragov4ik/time_web_app:latest. Note that building the image by yourself requires docker buildkit enabled

Manual run

Preparation (set up)

  • Open project folder
  • Create virtual environment with python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the venv with . venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Start the server with gunicorn app:app -b

Unit tests

To test you first need to install requirements for test environment pip3 install -r requirements/test.txt

With pytest and other requirements installed you simply need to type pytest inside python project folder.

Docker hub integration

To publish a new version to docker hub create a tag corresponding to the (semver) version of expected image. For example v1.2.3.

When the tag appears in the repo, workflow will build the image and push it to docker hub.

Note that the tag must belong to some branch in GitHub otherwise the job will fail.

Rust 🦀 memory-safe 🛡️ blazing fast 🚀 implementation

Rust implementation together with corresponding RUST.md is located in app_rust folder.

This application can be set up/run manually or as a docker container.


You can update webserver configuration in Rocket.toml file. Documentation on the config can be found here.

Docker run guide

With docker compose

If you have docker compose installed, you can just write docker compose up inside project folder.

Without docker compose

Without compose you can use docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm bragov4ik/time_rust_web_app:latest. Note that building the image by yourself requires docker buildkit enabled

Manual run

To run use cargo run


When any of the servers is up and running, you can open localhost:8000 and you should see current Moscow time.

Unit tests

To run tests write cargo test inside app_rust folder.