
Typescript template in Node.js for Advent of Code event

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code Typescript Starter

A template for Advent of Code written in Typescript with Node.


The project use Node.js as javascript runtime, esbuild as typescript transpiler and swc with Jest for testing.

$ git clone https://github.com/ljgago/advent-of-code-typescript-starter aoc-typescript
$ cd aoc-typescript

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# check syntax with eslint
$ npm run lint day01

# run tests for day01
$ npm test day01

# run the day01
# npm start day01


You can generate all necesary files for use in the event with a simple command:

$ npm run gen day01

This command generate these files:

* creating src/day01/resources/input.txt
* creating src/day01/index.ts
* creating src/day01/main.ts
* creating src/day01/part1.ts
* creating src/day01/part2.ts
* creating src/day01/README.md
* creating test/day01.test.ts
  • /src/day01/resources/input.txt: the input data.
  • /src/day01/index.ts: export the modules for testing.
  • /src/day01/main.ts: the main module.
  • /src/day01/part1.ts: solution for part 1.
  • /src/day01/part2.ts: solution for part 2.
  • /src/day01/README.md: you can write the challenge statement.
  • /tests/day01.test.ts: the module where you write the tests.


You can configure the automatic input download from the Advent of Code session token.

For dowload the inputs from web, you needs to set the environment var AOC_SESSION. You can to get the session token from the cookie web browser.

Also can you set the AOC_YEAR to select a certain year. (It is not mandatory use the AOC_YEAR, the npm run gen can get the year automatically)

You can set an .env file with these variables.

Folder structure:

├── src
│   └── day01
│       ├── index.ts
│       ├── main.ts
│       ├── part1.ts
│       ├── part2.ts
│       ├── README.md
│       └── resources
│           └── input.txt
└── test
    └── day01.test.ts

Happy coding!

MIT License