
Primary LanguageOCaml

Solution to ICFPC 2021



The main tool is viz.exe (app/viz/viz.ml). Fundamentally, it's a UI to move nodes around and save poses, but it has lots of features to help with the mechanical work.

Build & run

$ dune external-lib-deps --missing @all
# install any missing deps listed above
$ dune build @all
$ _build/default/app/viz/viz.exe display problems/example1.json


  • Dmitry Astapov (dastapov AT gmail DOT com)
  • Thomas Braibant (thomas DOT braibant AT gmail DOT com)
  • Alexandru Scvorţov (icfp2021 AT scvalex DOT net)


  • Initially implemented a GUI, with manual placing of vertices (day 1)
  • Added an automated solver maximizing XXXX (day 2)
  • Added some rudimentary physics engine to help coalesce edges (day 2). When performance became an issue moved from arbitrary precision based vectors to float based vectors (doh).
  • Made vertex movement use the physics engine to move vertices more efficiently (day 2)
  • Added some "untangling" mode to the physics engine (day 3)
  • Added some micro-optimizer to help fine tune our solutions (day 3)
